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Mon, 3 May 1999 23:57:26 EDT
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This is exerpted, with permission, from an email conversation with a friend
on the east coast - they just moved, and apparently the vet they found
doesn't have a lot of experience with ferrets.  Adina is a 1yr old
spayed/descented female, a hearty eater and very active, normally.  If you
have any ideas, personal experience with a similar situation, or questions
that they should ask their vet, please email them to me and I'll forward
them on ASAP.  Thanks a bunch!
 ...Adina, (she became lethargic, her nose and feet turned pale... her
heart was beating really fast, and she stopped eating as much) so we took
her to the vet.  He did not find any lumps ... the stool sample was loose
but did not show any Bactiria... blood sample...she was anemic, but that he
doesn't know why because the rest of the blood test were mostly normal (two
were a little low)....he gave her a steroid shot and gave us an iron
suppliments (Pet-Tinic)to hopefully bring up her iron count.
We were wondering if you...might have some in-put as to what could be
causing her to be anemic?  ...blood work print out below.... Please let us
know if you find out anything or if you know of someone with a simular case
that we can talk to.
  S/N 21985 Ver 5.2
 01-MAY-199 09:50AM
 FERRET 14665
 ALB = 3.24 g/dl         (2.60-3.80)
 ALKP=  46 U/L        (9-84)
 ALT =  36 U/L   LO  (82-289)
 AMYL=  83U/L
 CA  = 9047 mg/dl    (8.00-11.80)
 CHOL=18907 mg/dl   (64.0-296.0)
 CREA+ 0.69 mg/dl    (0.40-0.90)
 GLU =149.1 mg/dl   (94.0-207.0)
 PHOS= 3.95 mg/dl  LO (4.80-8.90)
 TBIL= 0.28 mg/dl     (0.10-1.00)
 TP  = 6.06 g/dl      (5.20-7.30)
 BUN = 17.5 mg/dl   (10.0-45.0)
 Na  =157.2 mmol/l  (139.0-169.0)
 K  = 5.34 mmol/l    (4.60-7.60)
 CL  =117.8 mmol/l   (106.0-125.0)
 GLOB= 2.81 g/dl       (1.80-3.10)
 HCT  = 10.2%
 HGB =  3.7 g/dl
 MCHC= 36.3 g/dl
 WBC =  4.7x10^9/L
 GRAN=  2.7x10^9/l
 %GRN=   57%
 L/M =  2.0x10^9/L
 %L/M=   43%
 PLT =  512x10^9/L
 Retc~  0.6%
(I emailed a few questions back - these were the answers)
>1) is there any weight loss?  if so, rapid or gradual?
some, but not much.  It's enough to notice her sides drooping in.  It
happened gradually (the whole thing did).
>3) have her stools been dark, tarry, or "rusty-smelling" even slightly in
>the last few days?
Yes to dark, yes to tarry, no to "rusty-smelling."
>4) any signs of nausea?  pawing at the mouth or drooling?
nope.  She does shake her head though when she eats (not a common habit
that we've ever seen.
>5) did the vet check for a partial blockage?  (may need a barium Xray...)
The vet pysically examined her, but that's about it.
>6) has she gotten into anything...
Not that's we're aware of..... The complex maintainance chief said that the
only harmful product they use is a paste-like ant killer, and only in the
cabinets (which none of the ferrets has had access to yet).
>7) does she stress easily?
No, not Adina.... one of our most active ferrets....lasts longer in a play
session... If anything, I'd say that she the least likely to have stress
related problems.
>8) are her heart, lymph nodes and lungs in good condition?  no sign of
>cardiomyopathy, allergies or swollen lymph nodes?
The vet found nothing unusual... that's all I can say about that.  He
stated that her rapid heart beat could be related to the fact that she's
>9) any oozing/running from her eyes, nostrils, ears?
>10) does she smell "funny"?  sweet, or sicky-sweet, especially in
>her breath?
smells normal (kinda like popcorn at times  ;)  ).
>11) did the vet run a urinalysis?
nope, just the stool sample.
>could be a partial blockage, causing nausea/lack of appetite
She does eat the turkey BF with a passion though...
Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can offer!
Carla Smith  <><
WhyNot? Ferrets
ICQ:  29478475
member, Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club, El Paso, TX
"Every pet deserves to be loved, and to have someone cry over them when
they're gone."
[Posted in FML issue 2667]