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Mon, 3 May 1999 20:26:40 EDT
Gary Kaskel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
On June 3, 1999, the NYC Dept.  of Health will hold a public hearing on a
proposed rule change that will codify a ferret prohibition in NYC.  Right
now there is only Health Code Section 161.01 that prohibits the keeping of
"animals of a species that is wild, ferocious, fierce, dangerous or
naturally inclined to do harm." (The ferret ban is not enforced or
enforceable.) This rule change would add a list of prohibited animals to
this section, and ferret is on it, and would give DOH officials more power
over ferret-owners.
The public hearing is from 10 am to noon at the NYC Dept.  of Health, 2nd
floor auditorium, 125 Worth Street, Manhattan (across from the Courthouse
and DMV.  Trains to City Hall/Brooklyn Bridge, then walk north a couple
blocks.)  It is important that ferret advocates make a good showing.
Speakers will have 5 minutes to present a case.  So, please come if you
live in the five boroughs of NYC.
Out of towners may send written materials to me, Gary Kaskel, at
P.O. Box 268, NY, NY 10028 and I will make sure the Board of Health
members get them.  Feel free to email or call me (212-876-0090) with any
questions.  We have a good chance of winning this one, because the Board
of Health members are not City employees.  They are working professionals
who have a medical/scientific standard to uphold.  Spread the word.
[Posted in FML issue 2667]