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Fri, 30 Apr 1999 17:35:07 -0400
Rebecca Murdock <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
I believe the FLO is at work in my life.
Last Saturday I went to Wal-Mart and I had Scrappie tucked in my shirt.
Well, the greeter saw her and promptly told me that pets were not allowed
in the store under any conditions.  Since I was only going to get top soil
from the garden center, I didn't think that it would be a problem, but no,
Scrappie still wasn't allowed in the garden section.  I hesitated and was
about to turn around and go home when the greeter volunteered to hold her
for me.  I was apprehensive but after she told me that she had ferrets
herself, I let her hold Scrappie while I went and paid for my dirt.  When I
returned, she began telling me that she needed to find a good home for her
ferret Susie.  Susie is about 1 year old, and the lady isn't able to keep
her because she is moving to a new apartment with a no pets policy.  I
wished her luck, since my husband has insisted that two is enough.  But I
have worried about that little girl all week.
Now today, I went to the local chinese restaurant for lunch, and guess what
my fortune cookie says?
"You will do well to expand your business."
No Joke.  I guess I'll get my butt back up to Wal-Mart tomorrow and follow
up on that little girl.  After all, sounds like a not so subliminal message
from the FLO to me.
Did I mention that the first lucky number on the fortune was 3?
[Posted in FML issue 2664]