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Tue, 27 Apr 1999 23:16:13 EDT
Leigh Whitaker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hey everybody,
I just took Kami to the vet today.  We got back from a 6 day long trip from
NY Monday.  We had a friend who used to work at a vet's office come over
every day and play with the ferrets and feed and water them.
When we got back we realized that Kami was lethargic.  She had surgery
about 8 months ago to remove an intestinal blockage and ever since then she
has seemed to have problems pooping.  She'll eventually go, but she'll back
into a corner and then decide that she's not going to go.  Sometimes she'll
repeat this a dozen times or so before she goes.  The feces look pretty
soft and a little seedy.
The Vet Visit:
The vet recorded that she'd lost about 50-60 grams since October and seemed
to think this is a result of the surgery, perhaps damage to the intestines
('stricture'?) as a result of the surgery is causing poor digestion of
food.  The vet seems to think that poor absorption of food is what is
causing her lack of energy.  She did not have a fever or parasites.
What the vet has prescribed is very interesting to me.  She prescribed
something called 'Pancreazyme' which is an enzyme created by the pancreas.
It comes as a powder and the vet suggested that I mix 1/8 teaspoon into an
amount of wet food (Hill's a/d) and let it sit for 20 minutes, to let the
enzyme start working, before feeding it to Kami.  She also prescribed
Clavomox to get rid of or prevent any bacterial infections resulting from
Has anyone ever heard of this Pancreazyme before?  It seems like it might
be a good thing to give to ferrets who are recovering from ECE.  Also does
anyone have any other suggestions as to what Kami's problem might be, or is
there anyone who has experince with post surgery problems like this?  Also,
Kami hates the Clavomox.  For her next dose I'm going to try mixing it
w/Ferretone.  Any other suggestions
I would really appreciate any advice!!!!!  (Sorry for posting to both
[Posted in FML issue 2661]