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Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:01:03 -0500
Mary Rogers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I get a lot of my supplies from KV Vet Supply Co.  (800-423-8211).  I'm
sure I found them through Ferret Central (in case Bob won't let me post
their phone number).  Give them a call to send you a catalog.  Totally
Ferret is under $35 for a 15# bag, last time I paid around $31 something.
They have the Marshall Farms high back litter boxes for $7/8.  They work
great for those "high pooper shooters".  When you purchase $40 there is no
charge for shipping.  Check it out.
Mary, Rob and the band of 15
Chico - But Mom, I don't want to be nice to the others, I'm the "baby brat"!
Rowdy - If I give you the "face" can I have some banana pleeeezzz?
Sadie - Queen Sadie to you, let me at them ankles...
Harley - Mom, I'm giving you the "face" and you know I'm not too picky
about what kind of treats!
Daisy - Mom, Tell Chico to quit scaring me away, he's so mean!  Gimme some
dog food!
Wheeler - Let me sleep.  Where's that Rowdy and Fruity for me to chase,
I'm bad, I'm bad...
Emily - Mom (with the turned up face) can I come out of the office?  I
want it to be our turn to run through the house, put Chico up so we can
come out, pleeezzz!
Bootsie - Just give me kisses and play sock, or snake with me, I'm so
Summer - I could be out running through the whole house if it wasn't for
that Chico!
Fruity - Treats and lovies please, I can't help it that I can't get around
very well or see very well...
Corkey - The dog that thinks he's a ferret - Dog Ferret.  But Mom, I WANT
ALL of the attention!
Simon - (Cat) Mom, I'm still having poddie problems, don't want no more
medicine  :o(
Chance - (Cat) All I want to do is wash, and go outside!
GG - (Cat) Meooww, treats please!!
Lucy - (Cat) Thank goodness I live outside and not with all of the rest of
them inside, especially that Chance, I don't like him!  I have the whole
back yard to myself.
 Did I miss anybody from the zoo????
[Posted in FML issue 2656]