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Thu, 22 Apr 1999 14:13:20 +0100
Vickie LoMonaco <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
I personally DO want to hear about such things as live and frozen foods,
the pros and cons, information about the quality of such foods, etc.  I
find it very educational and useful, NOT disgusting.  I fear that you are
letting your apparent squeamishness hold you back from doing something for
your fuzzies which in all likelihood has to be good for them.
Like it or not, ferrets are carnivores, and obviously that means that their
ancestors were predators.  Although because of their domestication and
imprinting on kibble as the only acceptable choice of food, most ferrets
probably wouldn't know a mouse from a...whatever, it is still their natural
food, the kind of food that their bodies evolved for.
Who knows what kinds of nutrients we humans take away from them by forcing
them to eat only processed foods (kibble)?
I like rodents, too.  I've had and bred various hamsters, gerbils, guinea
pigs, etc. over the years.  Myself, I would be willing to do whatever it
took for the health of my fuzzies, whether or not I was easily disgusted.
I'm sure the ferrets wouldn't find it disgusting at all.  It's the nature
of the organism.
I guess that a lot of my impatience with your stated position lies in my
interpretation of your tone; it just reads to me that you are implying that
people who feed live food to their ferrets are evil awful nasties who crave
bloodbaths for fun (quote, "What are you trying to do, create pit bull
ferrets?" -- and by the by, my dog is half pit and they are NOT the
bloodthirsty critters that some people seem to think they are, but that's
off topic and just a pet peeve of mine..."pet" peeve, get it?? : ) ).  I
would certainly never propose to feed mice to ferrets just for sport, and
I truly don't believe that that is the intention of anyone else who has
posted to this list regarding live food.
Vickie, big Tanker, princess Flower-Power, Pandy-boo, Moogers, Dee-dee,
Ogre the pit boxer, Merlin the wolfhound/rottie, and Hannibal and Subatai
(the real owners of the house)
[Posted in FML issue 2656]