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Fri, 26 Mar 1999 00:53:17 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
To James Scott Smith:
Hi.  I live in Louisville and I have a great vet here, but I'm not sure if
they do adrenal surgeries or not.  They have done a spleen surgery on one
of mine and I am sure that they wouldn't do the surgery if they felt like
they don't know what they are doing.  I would recommend Dr. David Fuchs for
any surgeries, although I am sure that they all are very competent.  I have
a friend of mine used to work there and she has observed many of Dr David's
surgeries.  She says that he os one of the best she has ever seen.
The clinic is called, Shivley Animal Clinic and it is a family practice for
the most part with a father and four kids being the primary vets.  If your
friend would like to talk to them, the number is: (502) 778-8317.  Keep in
mind that they are VERY busy, so I suggest that he call early in the
morning when they open, around 8 o'clock.  He should ask for Dr. Mary Jane
Fuchs or Dr. Joyce Fuchs.  They seem to be the main ferret care people.  I
would trust my ferrets to anyone else.
I would be happy to hook up with him to get him out there if he doesn't
know his way around Louisville.  We could meet somewhere easy and drive
from there.
Good Luck!  Let me know if I can be of any more help.
[Posted in FML issue 2627]