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Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:54:35 -0500
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Hi All!
I've been away from my computer for a couple of days, so it has taken me
awhile to catch up.  Thanks to all you people who responded to my questions
a couple of days ago.  Now I suppose I will grace you with my wonderful
opinions. ;)
Is anyone from Kentucky (or anywhere else for that matter) going to the
ferret show in Cinncy this weekend?  I would love to meet you!  E-mail me
and maybe we can hook up.  I'm not taking my varmits because I'm not going
there straight from home and I couldn't find a sitter, so my wonderful
husband is staying home for them.  This is my first ferret show and I am
really excited!
I'm also working (slowly) on starting a ferret club in Louisville, so if
any of you are from the Louisville area, I would REALLY like to talk to
I too have had problems with allergies to my little buddies.  My problem is
that I get really itchy when I pick them up to love on them.  It is worse
on my face, non-hairy parts of my arms (if that makes any sense), and my
stomach.  I think that I some sort of dermal allergy to their oils since it
isn't as bad after a bath.  I have given myself over to the fact that this
is my lot in life and I try to just ignore it.  I could probably take
Benadryl or something, but I really just hate drugs...
The allergies stopped being so bad after I stopped using ferretone, I don't
know what the connection may be, I just know that it is so.  I realized
that I was allergic to ferretone one day when I accidentally swiped some
on my face and I broke out in huge welts along the swipe mark.
I'm really sorry for all you guys who have had problems with the cages that
have tubes in them.  I saw some at my pet store the other day, and they
looked sooooooo appealing.  But then I started looking closer and I think
that my ferrets could probably get out of them, or worse, get really hurt
in them.  I think they are a great idea, but they just aren't made very
well, at least the ones I saw.  Sorry, can't remember the company name...
If the problem is that the little Houdinis get underneath the dryer, you
could try attaching rubber strips along the bottom so that there is no way
for them to wriggle under there.  I'm thinking of the kind of strips you
would get at the hardware store to weather proof your doors and windows.
I have never done this myself mind you, it's just an idea.
If they are climbing inside the dryer, you can try duck taping some chicken
wire to the openings.  that way, air can still get back there, but ferrets
can't.  Be sure if you use wire, that it isn't the kind that they can get
their little nails caught in.  You should probably be able to find a good
quality cage wire at your hardware store.
My parents live in a mobile home, and we have similar problems when we
visit.  You can probably use the same techniques on your fridge as I
suggested on your dryer.  You can also duck tape cardboard barriers in
tiny little spots that ferrets can squirm through (like that 1" spot
between your fridge and wall).
[Posted in FML issue 2626]