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Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:22:01 -0500
Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (135 lines)
OK - I had to jump on the band wagon!
>From:    Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sheila continues the discussion with Zen
>Some judges in the UK will knock a polecat (sable) ferret back if it's
>nose isn't black, yet to others it isn't important if the rest of the
>ferret is good. <snip>  Why the hell should they be barred from taking
>part in a show because their noses ain't black!  It won't be long before
>some idiot starts tattooing pink and mottled noses black.
This is why a standard is important!  Most, if not all, of the standards
on sables are pink, mottled, or brown nose.  Now some judges have a
preferance, but that shouldn't mean the ferret is knocked points!
>My big boys 4.5 lbs are considered too large for the taste of most British
>judges - a heck of lot of our judges look at ferrets with an eye to doing
>the job they are made for i.e. bolting bunny wabbits.  A ferret that is on
>the large size would probably have trouble doing a 'U' turn in a bury.  One
>reason a lot of ferreters use jills - I like using my hob Kurt, he weighs
>in at around 2 lbs.
I agree a working animal should be judged on how well it cn preform it's
job - as you stated too big of animals wouldn't be good workers and should
be knocked for that.  But here in the US, unfortunatly, we can't hunt with
our ferrets.  Therefore, they have gotten larger and larger!  Many people
like the larger ferrets and breed for that.
(from Bill K)
>>The so called 'bulldog' ferrets are one place where a proper standard
>>should work to prohibit organizational support for the shortening noses.
>I take it that some folk in the US are trying to breed the so called hob
>head in jills?
Yes.  I agree that there shouldn't be the silly bulldog and whippit "type".
I agree with the saying that "a ferret is a ferret is a ferret"!  The two
sexes have different body sizes and shapes for a reason!
>If I was judging a kit class I would expect to get nipped occasionally -
>but if the little begger hangs on it would be disqualified, that's if it
>broke the skin.  I know it's a different kettle of fish over there with
>the rabies and all that........
I agree about the disqualifying a "bite" as opposed to a "nip".  I don't
think it is a rabies issue as all ferrets that are entered and judged must
show proof of vaccinations (more to protect the ferret from the public!).
>The only difference neutering makes to hobs over here is that they don't
>'stink' (not too unpleasant if you really love the little beggers), and
>albinos tend to stay white instead of taking on the yellow/orange of a hob
>in season.  I guess our practice of not neutering ferrets until they are
>at least 6 months old may have some bearing on this.
Amen!  I wish everybody would alter late!
>I prefer the smaller shows myself - around three to four hundred ferrets
>is just about a nice size.
That sounds like a pretty darn good sized show to me!
[Posted in 2 parts -- combined into one. BIG]
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret show politics
>To be honest, I was very disappointed in the AFA ferret show- Yes, we
>won a few ribbons, we were tickled pink by the way our terrific ferret
>weathered the intense judging (2 hours just to judge him in the
>championship class- lots of butt-squeezing, ear-digging and body
>contortions were required), but we were completely disillusioned by the
>judging.  It kind of dampened your show spirits when the winners from one
>class were being called out, and you'd see one of the judges from the
>neighboring judges table jump up, squeal, and come to collect her 1st
>place, 2nd place, 3rd place, etc.
I hear ya!  Show people have been going 'round and 'round on this to try
and make it fair.
>I've shown horses all my life, so I'm familar with the politics
>involved...but not to this extent.  Blatant politics can only damage a
>show.  Bad politics will keep away potential ferret showers (and ferret
Me, too!  Gets pretty bad when trainers put certian color brow bands on the
horses they trian so the judges will know who's barn the horse is from!
This is why the AFA does the "carrier judging".  They try to take the
ferret away from the owner by placing them in a carrier.  But after you
have seen a ferret for years (or you know the bloodline) you know who's
animal it is.  That is the same with every type of show animals.  The GLFA
shows all judges and show officials' ferrets in a seperate "officials"
ring.  That way they are not being judged against the John Q. Public's
ferrets.  I think this is extreamly fair - I mean lets face it - the judges
know what to show because they know what is being judged and can see it in
their animals!  Other folks think the GLFA way of doing it is unfair point
wise.  They think that the judges ferrets will earn higher awards faster,
etc.  That is fine, but stop and think that many of those ferrets will
NEVER be judged against the hundreds of entries.  If they were in with the
general entries then they WOULD be taking points away from everyone elses
In Morgan horses, a judge that is a breeder, trainer, etc.  cannot have a
horse entered in the show - ot even an animal boarded at his barn.  Nor
can a horse that has been taken out of training, moved from the judges
facilities, or purchased with in the last 6 months (or the like) be entered
in the show.  Sounds like what the GLFA is trying to do to a point.
>From:    PENE&KIM STEVENS <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: ferret shows
>The only shows here that I've heard about have classes like 'prettiest
>face', 'longest tail', and stuff like that.  Now that is my idea of a
>good show...
Well, as far as I am aware Australia has no standards - and I am sure they
are dead set against it!  What the shows in Oz are is simular to our "fun
matches".  These can have any animal entered with any conditions, etc.
I honestly think that any club should enforce a breeding standard for
their members.  I think it helps the breeders by providing guidlines while
discouraging bad breeding practices - inbreeding, etc.  - and helps deture
a "new breed" situation.
Amy Flemming
[log in to unmask]
Flemming Farms - Michigan, USA
Breeding for Quality Ferrets
American, Australian, German, and New Zealand bloodlines
Come see us at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9521
Weasel Watchers Ferret Rescue - Michigan, USA
Helping Needy Weasels
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism"
[Posted in FML issue 2618]