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Thu, 25 Feb 1999 06:25:16 PST
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I run a licensed ferret shelter in New Jersey, and lately (well, I don't
know if you consider over a year "lately") i've been seeing a lot of
publicity (This last newspaper article was the last straw) and postings
about other shelters in New Jersey that are operating as a "shelters", but
are not licensed; either as a business/nonprofit, or with the Department of
Fish, Game & Wildlife, which in this state is a requirement.  A twenty day
permit MUST be given to the new adopters, and I know for a fact that there
are three shelters in this state that are not complying with this law.  My
dilemma: do I allow these people to continue to do this, although they have
no license, and are basically breaking the law, and also housing ferrets in
conditions unlike ours, which can be inspected whenever the state feels the
need?  Or do I just sit back and allow this to continue?  I pay $100 each
year for a permit that I consider essential, while these other folks are
blatently disregarding this law.  I've heard awful things about some of
these shelters, ranging from inadequate veterinary care to filth.  I do
not wish to name names, since I have not been to any of the shelters
personally, but am relying on the word of 4 different clients and foster
parents who have been there, and were disgusted at the conditions that the
ferrets were being housed, and chose not to adopt from them in fear that
they might bring disease/fleas/intestinal parasites into their homes.
If collecters choose to call themselves "shelters" and become listed on the
shelter lists of Ferret Central, The SOS Shelter List, The American Ferret
Association, and even as a PetsMart Charity, shouldn't they actually have
to be legitimate?  This is really beginning to disgust me
[Posted in FML issue 2598]