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Wed, 5 May 1999 07:58:00 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
Jenna submitted the following:
>No pets are allowed.  Not even a goldfish.
>No matter how I approach the subject or how I argue my case, this is the
>response I receive from the people at the college I'll be going to.
Jenna and other readers.  Your *particular* college is not alone.  All
shelterers are aware that ANY pets ae banned from on campus housing--
REGARDLESS of species.  This is based on the fact that dormatories must be
friendly to all persons, and many persons could have allergies.  In order
to be fair to all, they MUST make and enforce this policy!  Living in A NH
college town outskirt, I shudder to think of the many college bound - but
refused- ferrets we have seen at Ferret Wise shelter!!!
*If* you must keep your pet, pray that if you decide to smuggle it in the
college folks are friendly enough to refer it to a ferret friendly shelter,
they can and may remove it-- or you will face expulsion!
The best solution would be to leave your ferret in the care of your family,
or close friend so you can visit when you are not in school, unless you can
get agreeable off campus housing.  What is not fair is trying to bend the
rules and sacrificing the welfare of your animal companion! Either that or
wait until your pet pases on to pursue your education. --
This is one scenario in the life of humans who get a pet and don't consider
the future..  not to be scolding-- but as humans, we all tend not to weigh
consequences before we assume an important committment, namely to care for
our animal friends.
Good luck, sure hope you can find a reasonable alternative!
fondly in ferrets,
for the many faces at Ferret Wise
Please visit our newly updated shelter site at url
our web catalog page at:
and  at
Where Ferret Wise will receive  $2.00 for every new person who signs on,
and its totally (just takes your time) free  to help. Thank you from all
the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2669]