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Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:30:19 EST
text/plain (75 lines)
Hi everyone, just thought i'd put up a quick post about my hanna encounter
last Sat at the Las Vegas Petco.  Club Ferret Las Vegas and I (24 Carat
Ferret Shelter) put up a table with handouts on ferret care, health, club
and shelter info, etc.  I brought 3 of the very best ferrets with me that
day, Klondike, Weezer and L.B..  We were set up in front of the store
outside, it was a great sunny day!.  We were there for a while before his
arrival, just to mention we had a great response to the ferrets, many
children held their first ferret and parents too!  We got photos with the
kids, it was great.  Well around noon the hanna crew showed up, and they
were place next to us, his table for signing autographs were next to the
ferret cages.  Just the way it worked out I guess :-).  When he saw the
ferret table, he came right over to us and said we were doing a great job,
blah blah blah, I asked him if he hated ferrets and he said no just wanted
people to be educated about them before getting one, i agreed.  He also
said that he did not ferret bash on Larry King (i never saw the show, so i
cant comment on that) that it was taken wrong?  It was very crazy as you
can imagine so we really did'nt have a great deal of time to chat, i did
get a photo of him with my ferret and I.  Sam with post photos on the CFLV
webpage, i'm sure she'll post when she gets a minute.  We thought it
strange that he came right over to us and brought stuff up, like we we
going to attack him or something.  Maybe sic a killer wild ferret on him!
We wern't going to badger him anyway, it wasnt the right place for it, we
might have ended up looking like nuts and he just porbably would have blown
it off when he left, maybe someone has a better approach, letters?  etc to
him.  We are trying to make headway with Petco about ferret education to
employees and new owners, we were asked to do classes and stuff in the
future, a big score i hope for ferrets!!  maybe we neednot to focus on one
persons (hanna) opnion about ferrets and focus on general public knowledge
of more open minded humans.  Oh yeah, he was not real friendly to anyone,
never touched his own critters, which is another story, wheres the humanity
in stuffing 2 cougars, a lg snake, crocadile, porcupine, chinchilla,
hedgehog, a hawk, a macaw, a millapede i one reg size van with 2 people in
it!  Thank goodness he doesn't promote ferrets or he squeeze one in there
too!  I'm sure Sam will add more when she posts.  We just took in a 6 month
old baby, not spayed!, going to get surgery on Thurs, with a descent added:0.
The people had no idea what a ferret even was, good thing they thought she
was stinky and turned her in, i'm sure they knew nothing of the dangers of
an unspayed female (anemia).  Shes a cutey pie.  another little girl, MF
ferret bought from a local pet store was turned in last night, shes a
nipper but not real bad, the people said the pet store said it was a great
pet for their baby and never gave them any advice or information on raising
or training one.  They never owned one before, they also purchased 200$
worth of accessories, food, etc.
Cha ching, don't get paid for advice?  What a sad situation for the ferret
and the people, which they are at fault also for not researching for
themselves too, but who can resist a cute little ferret face?
Well the shelter life goes on......and i love it!!!!They are the highlight
of my day.
Also thanks to everyone that has sent donations, gifts, and just plain
moral support, I really can't thank you all enough, you help make the
ferrets here have a happy life.  They are all spoiled brats :) as they
should be!  I'm listed on the iGive webpage also, if you want to click on
their site you can pick a shelter thats listed, at no cost to you to
receive donations, please just help one of them, they all need it equally.
As for granny names I have none but one of my male old timers names is
Geezer, he has a great sad to happy story I will share at another time, he
is a living miracle.  Dr. St Erne has documented his surgery and recovery
as well, I don't think he's had time to put it out there for all to see, he
is a great vet and a busy man.
Dr. Rubin my other miracle worker is awsome too.  Thanks to both for all
your help and support.
Dooks to everyone, be kind to all creatures (yes even the human ones!), its
easier than being cruel and nasty. Plus frowning gives you wrinkles!
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter (where ferrets are treated like gold)
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[Posted in FML issue 2555]