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Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:39:55 -0400
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I wanted to share the mornings ( one of the mornings ) phone calls with
a younger gentleman called-- his ferret is 5-6 years old, and the young
man works more than before-- he was afraid that the ferret was bored, not
enough time and interaction-- ADMIRABLE owner.
The option would be for the ferret to go to a shelter.  I kindly explained
the ferret would not understand the reasons it was being left at a shelter,
and would get depressed in an unusual environment where it would have new
smells, new sounds,m and a more than not dormitory setting-- not much like
when all was done the young man was more comfortable keeping his senior
ferret at home.  Knowing the stress might trigger health conditions in the
senior age assured the ferret would have his home and owner-- perhaps less
time for play, but certainly a more quality time than a stressful change
would provide....
Things seem to be more positive on the phone today-- a new shelter on the
rise in UT- and elder ferret who gets to stay home-- and yet there is more
to follow---
Are there any ferret owners in France wh can correspond witha non
bi-lingual US ferretperson??  If so please email me at the above
address.... improtant information to p[ass along!
fondly in ferrets--
for the many faces at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2705]