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Wed, 26 May 1999 09:39:31 PDT
meagan quinn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
hi all!
first of all: in correction to my yesterday's question..
my brain was on fast forward moving too fast for my fingers.  My
misspelling threw everyone off.  Other than the normal mistakes--i said
"lacid" acid not "lactic" acid.
I wanted to know if ferrets develop the overload of LACTIC acid in their
muscles the way us humans to.
Do they need ben-gay or icyhot to sooth those sore legs muscles :)
Second: on the survery--i typed too quick.  Keera's diagnoses was not at
THREE years and five months..not 2years five months
i spoke with Dr. Weiss yesterday.  What a great guy.  He gave me a bunch
of info in Insulima so i could be prepared upon going into the NY vet.  He
said it was OK to post that he feels it is VERY important people get a hold
of the insulinoma aritcle that he wrote (with Dr. Bruce Williams).  The
study he did supports the concept of removing the tumors on the pancreas
AND do a partial pancreatomy
(i can't spell.  good thing i didn't continue iwth my nursing degree...)
The evidence is in survival rate for those ferrets that have this surgery
(with the partial not just removal of tumors).
Also: I told him fezzik's BG was 86.
He says UNDER 75 is enough for him to diagnose as insulinoma and do
surgery.  I was told we should do the Blood test on a SIX hour fast (vs.
four hour) b/c he is borderline and this will give a better idea of what
exactly is going on inside of hoim.  It is on the cases where you are
unsure of the ferret's health or something where you would not want the
ferret to be fasted for too long for RISK of the BS going too low and
seisure might occur.
There are some ferrets that are tested once at 86 and then go right back to
normal--so a retest should be done-- 90 is borderline.
I asked him about the practice of doing a partial pancreatomy while in
there for adrenal disease since so many get insulinoma anyway--he said he
tends not to do that b/c the ferrets are more inclined to get diabetes that
He told me has just submittd three (or four) papers to be printed int he
vets journals. I think they are on adrenal (and lupron? not sure though).
Poor guy--he said from midnight to 3am is wehn he does most of his writing!
Also: on vet prices....
I went ot Dr. W from NY and payed less for the surgery and travel and
everything than I would have if i had gone to AMC for the surgery.  tehre
were a few sacrifices i made (sleep, no 24 hour care) but i felt better
caring for Keera myself after the surgery and Dr.W gave me his home number.
AMC wanted 850-1000 for an adrenal surgery (and recommended the ultasound
"so the surgeon could see what they were looking for")
I am not condemning AMC--but my consult with them was 96$$ for them to tell
me "yes.  the TN panel says she has adrenal.  her vulva is swollen..you are
right.  she needs surgery"
To me, that was a waste of money.They wanted the ultrasound for the
surgeons benefit not mine.  I felt that if they were going into my
baby--they better know what to look for!!  Why did they need it?
going ot Dr weiss i had the surgery ($286).  I did overnight care.  SHe ate
liek a pig and did wonderful in the hotel.  The hotel was 70$/night.  We
stayed two nights--next time i will stay one.  I will leave in the early AM
and get there at 10am.  Dr. Weiss was super flexible on the time b/c I was
travelling.  What a guy huh?
We iddn't arrive till 3am anyway--waste of 70$
I amde the whole trip for travel, gas, surgery, food and souviners (i
needed to keep busy that day!) fro under 450$  That was really good!
Considering AMC wanted 850--minimum.
It is all int he location.  They wnated that much b/c htey are located on
the upper east side of manhatten and htey are considered certified avian
specialists there.  They are supposed to be amazing.
I felt saving this much and going to one of the best vets in the country
was a better deal for my little gal.
I think it stinks it is so expensive for ferrets too--but my vet even told
me that he didn't believe that there was ANYONE in the est coast area that
could to the surgery for under 500$ b/c of the rental fees and such.  NY
and surrounding area is just an expensive place to live and the vets need
to survive!  yuck.
well, enough of my babble.
Sukie, if you need ot me clarify the blunder i made--let me know...
[P.S.] More on Early Adrenal and Funny Story
Sukie, I forgot to add that Rowdy was free roam in his early years, then
housed in a bathroom during the day/night.  He slept in the vanity drawer
with T-Bear (who's now waiting at the bridge).  After we got Chico we
moved them out of the bathroom into a cage.  Rowdy was kinda thin when we
bought him and we probably shouldn't have, but I know that we have done
more for him than others would have.
On to a funny story, I can't believe I forgot to post this.  Hope it's
not one of those "you had to be there"... Monday morning we're getting
dressed for work and my husband says Oh, noooo!  I don't have any clean
t-shirts.  I said don't you have any other t-shirts/tank tops that are
plain that would look OK under a white shirt?  He goes to the linen
cupboard where I keep the ferret towels, sleep sacks, hammocks and YES his
"old" t-shirts.  He had to wear one of the "ferret" t-shirts to work.  I'm
sure it smelled "baby fresh" since I use dreft and I know that the ferrets
didn't mind sharing.  He had to look through the pile to find one that
didn't have too many stains on it.  Now I wonder if he put it in their
laundry or ours???
[Posted in FML issue 2691]