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Wed, 19 May 1999 05:31:40 -0700
Rocky Magnuson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Oh Chris,
I hate to say but I agree with your vet.  I just had an adrenal ferret and
those are the same things my Bandi went thru.  The hair loss and the loss
of weight and the vomitting.  Do what the vet says.  I didn't believe my
vet so he called his partner in and we all 3 when round and round I had the
ferret Fand Q's and was saying but it says it hits about 3yr old ferrets
and she's only 8 months.  They convinced me to let them open her up and do
explority surgery.  The only reason I took her in was her vulva was so
huge.  They saw the hair loss.  I thought she was shedding.  Let the vet
check for the adrenal disease.  I saw a ferret down here where the owner
waited.  It looked like the owner had starved it and plucked all it's hair
out from the hips down.  It was very sad.
Keep your fingers crossed, we're with you on this one.
Bandi (really, it didn't hurt that bad)
Taz-man (She scared me when she got sick)
Levi (who got sick, where was I?)
[Posted in FML issue 2684]