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Sun, 16 May 1999 22:44:04 -0400
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Hello folks!  It's been awhile since I've posted, mostly because I was
trying desparately to catch up on the list.  Get behind and it's a horrible
thing to catch up!
Of course, one of the things taking up my time is being involved with the
Heart of Ohio Ferret Association, one of the two clubs planning the 'Ferret
Extravaganza '99'.  This is a show that I believe in, that will do some
good things for not only our club, but for the ferrets in the surrounding
I had my fingers crossed while the negotiations with Petco were going on
here, as much as Jerry J.  and other members did.
LEt me tell you what I've seen in the Petco stores here in Columbus.  The
ferrets available at the stores are as well taken care of as any ferrets at
any pet store I've ever seen.  They are in recycled newspaper bedding, with
litter boxes, tubes, toys, food and water, and locks on the enclosures.
The employees have to unlock the cages for anyone to pull the ferrets out
and play with them.  They always stay right there with you (and would be
ready if there were any problems such as biting, ie keeping ferrets from
being dropped) and answer questions.  They have contact information for
our club and for Scarlett Gray, our shelter/club president there.  In fact,
it was Petco that pointed us towards Scarlett, from who we've taken in 3
rescues, and a fourth from another club officer.  Last time we went in and
were looking at the kits, the salesperson pointed out a sign on the cage,
stating that these ferrets had been exposed to e.c.e.  and shouldn't be
taken home by anyone who had ferrets that had never been exposed.  I
thought that was very responsible, considering they could have either: A.
not said anything, the kits all looked healthy, or B.  sent the kits back,
where they would probably be destroyed.  I've seen them have kits that
weren't available, because they were under veterinary care.  Our club has
done education/ferret awareness days, and when we got short on time, they
called US to arrange some more.
Do I think it's ideal that pet stores sell animals??  NO, certainly not.  I
think there would be fewer impulse buys.  But do I think Petco, here at
least, is trying to do a better job than usual?  Yes.  I've seen breeders
and shelters that have animals kept in worse conditions, and given without
care and contact information.
I think that the more we work with Petco, the higher we can urge their
standards.  And they do care about the ferret community, whether that care
is motivated by their hearts, or their profits, it doesn't matter.  As long
as we get what we want.  My guess is that it's a combination.  I work in
the medical field and I care about my patients.  Is our corporation in it
for the money on the bottom line?  Sure, they all are.  But the corporation
realizes that the best way to make that money is to provide good service to
the customers, ie compassionate, caring corporation.
Many points have been made during this discussion, some very good on both
sides, some way off the deep end.  But one point I've not seen made is the
fact that if it weren't for pet stores, how many of us would have gotten
our first ferret?  Not me.  I didn't know anything about them until I saw
them at one.  I didn't find out that shelters exsisted until I had already
owned four fuzzies.  Let's face it folks, our favorite little monsters are
not widely known.  Not like dogs and cats.  So much work has been done for
cats and dogs that they are easily available at shelters, and everyone
knows they exsist.  I hope for and am working towards that day for our pets
of choice, but it's gonna take some time.  But I'm glad that many people
have found them, even if it was at pet stores, because now we have products
available in many more places, more people involved in the clubs, and more
people to comminicate with about them, like here.  Ten years ago this
wasn't the case.  This is an evolution we have to follow here.  With work
and education, more people will know about ferrets, how to take care of
them, and what a big commitment they are.  But you know what?  There will
still be people who will not live up to that commitment, for whatever
reason, even though they thought or swore they would in the beginning.
It's the nature of some human beings, no matter what the issue is.  There
will still be dumped, abused, neglected ferrets, and still a need for
shelters.  It's a fact we need to accept.  The things we can change is
the number of responsible owners who get the support that they need.  By
supporting our club and shelter, and working to get the knowledge and
education out there.
There is a tendancy in the ferret community (heck, probably in any
community where people are passionate about what brings them together) to
jump on a bandwagon, and act totally closed-minded about issues, wanting
immediate results, and not wanting to look at more rational methods to get
there.  We've seen it in some horrible letter campaigns that simply made
people think of us as 'ferret-freaks'.  I'm more interested in the long
term solutions, and following what my heart tells me is the best way.  So,
I feel no guilt in accepting the help and money of the Petco Corporation in
my aims.
One other thing.  Why is Petco such a target, when there's PetLand, who I
know is at least partially national chain, that has some of the most
deplorable conditions for their animals and employees in every city I've
ever went in to see them?  They still sell cats and dogs, as well, and are
still in business.  I'd smear them long before I'd have a problem with
Thanks for listening!
[Posted in FML issue 2680]