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Fri, 30 Apr 1999 03:17:29 EDT
Melissa Furash <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
I think this list holds the only people who could understand how special
this is to me: One of my fuzzies, Snoopy, has always been my problem child.
He was a nipper from day one (and still bites my hubby - after stalking him
ofcourse), he is afraid of outside, he's skinny, he has mucousy poop often,
he's easily startled, the vaccum makes him catatonic with fear.... Well
Snoopy has always dug in the clean litter pan and thrown the litter on the
floor, we made him a rice box...he's the only one who won't use it!  The
other night he kept digging, I would say no, he'ld stop for a minute but
once I relaxed he would do it again.  Finally I decided to just take him
out and try to distract him.  HE LAY IN MY ARMS AND SNUGGLED FOR 30
MINUTES!  This is amazing!  He would never sit still for 5 minutes before.
I am so thrilled, every night we spend some time with him relaxing with me.
I don't know what aliens switched my troubled boy with this identical love
bucket but I'm not complaining!
The Farseer books "Assasin's Apprentice" etc by Robin Hobb, in the third
book you meet a ferret who is able to communicate with people with a
certain skill.  These people usually bond with a special animal.  Due to
an evil prince (this is Fantasy/Sci Fi) his person "Big Ferret" has been
killed and little ferret devotes himself to killing this prince.  These
books are very good if you like the genre, and with the recent talk about
Anne McCaffrey and Pern it seems many do!
Melissa and
Meeko, Percy, Bear and Snoopy the Snuggle boy!
[Posted in FML issue 2664]