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Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:38:12 -0500
Diane Hoffmaster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi all.  I need your opinions.  I have a 5 yr old ferret, Rocket.  Last
year (winter) he got a bald spot about 2 inches square on his backside
right above his tail.  Took him to the vet who did a scraping for mites
(negative) and said it didnt look like an adrenal hair loss to her.  Gave
us some medicated scrub and sent us home.  The bald spot cleared up after a
few months of frequent moisturizing baths, lots of ferretone and the scrub
the vet gave us.  Dont know what caused it or what cleared it up.  This
winter, he again got the same bald spot in the exact same area, same size,
etc.  He got it at the same time of year only this year it doesnt appear to
be going away yet.  It isnt getting bigger, just not going away.  The vet
says the only thing to do to see if it IS an adrenal tumor is exploratory
surgery.  But I am hesitant to go this route.  He is totally fine other
than a little bald rear end.  Eats, sleeps, plays in the shower curtain and
the grocery bags, poops and pees fine.  I am really hesitant to do surgery
on him if he appears fine other than the hair loss.  Have any of you been
in the same or similar situations?  We were thinking the hair loss might be
caused by the fact that he likes to curl up with his back to the heater in
the winter.  Maybe his skin just got damaged or dried out???  Is there a
nutritional link to hair loss?  (he eats Iams kitten plus ferretone and the
occasional treat) Do ferrets undergo seasonal hair loss?  Or hair loss due
to old age?  (is 5 OLD?) I would really like some opinions on this!!
Diane Hoffmaster
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[Posted in FML issue 2661]