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Fri, 23 Apr 1999 15:46:13 -0400
Julie Dowdy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
I have some other points to add about renting with ferrets.  This has
happened to us, and we got screwed pretty hard, so keep these things in
You must *always* get permission.  I firmly believe now that people who
hide their pets are asking for trouble.  Whether it be from neighbors who
don't like you or from landlord's not wanting to lose their jobs.  If the
people say no, be responsible and do not get a pet.  If you must, then you
need to move, period.
It's not always enough to have paperwork.  Landlord's come and go, as do
building owner's.  If you get permission from a landlord, don't just get
that in writing, you MUST get it in writing from the owner of the property
that you are allowed to have it, and if the building should change hands or
the landlord should become new, that you and your pets are Grandfathered in.
We had a verbal agreement with the owner of our building to have our
ferrets.  One day while we were at work, the landlord and the *new* owner
decided to look in *EVERY* apartment in the building for a "mysterious
water leak" that they never found.  I was told we had 48 hours to get out
because we had the ferrets.  When I said we had a verbal agreement with
Randy, I was told very bluntly, "I'm not Randy.  This is my building now,
those are the lease rules, you are in violation." You can't fight that.  So
in the space of 48 hours we had to find a new place to live.
And the other thing is make damn sure the condition of your apartment is
documented.  ANY time something breaks, ANY time something gets a spot on
it, ANY time anything goes wrong, you drag someone over to look at it.  We
lived in our place for 2 years.  The carpet was *not* new when we moved in.
During those two years, we had two refrigerators break and when they moved
them, they left giant rust stains on the carpet.  The carpet was so cheap
and so nasty that when ever water touched it, it left a black water stain.
After we left, they sent us a letter saying they wanted $400 for new carpet
that "the illegal ferrets had caused damage to." I refused to pay it, and
threatened to sue them because they had falsified documents (our lease, our
walk through and our security deposit amount).  Never heard from them
You must accept responsibility for yourself, your pets and your apartment.
If you can't live by the rules then don't complain or even be surprised
when you suddenly find yourself on the very short end of the stick.  We
did, and I'll never do that to myself or my ferrets again.
Hope this helps,
[Posted in FML issue 2657]