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Sat, 17 Apr 1999 15:19:53 -0400
Dawn Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi there everyone and there Fuzzy's,
I just want to tell everyone out there what a MIRACLE I think duck soup
First, as you all might remember my fuzzy (Tazy) came down with ECE after I
had purchased a new kit.  Well he's doing much much better!!!  I have to
give the credit to whom ever came up with duck soup.I tryed everything to
help him he was getting sooooo skinny but nothing worked I had been giving
him duck soup on and off but it was so hard to force him to eat it.
I finally decided to go back to the duck soup, Tazy had decided it wasn't
so bad after all.  I've been feeding him 3 times a day plus he's been
eating his TF and I noticed his poopies aren't as seedy as they were
before, he has gained a pound and a half, thats a half pound more then he
was before he got sick.  In my opinion the duck soup REALLY made a BIG
difference!!!!!  So my hat goes off to whom ever invented this stuff!!!!!!!
Not to get off the subject or anything, I just want to let everyone know
that its finally raining here in Florida, just maybe it will be enough to
contain the brush fires we've been having.  I'm going to try and teach Tazy
to do a rain dance along with the war dance he already does, maybe it will
help!!!!  Well, I just wanted to share my feelngs in regard to duck soup, I
just can't say enough about it!!!!  BIG HUGS and KISSES to ALL you FUZZY'S
out there in Fuzzy land, and may the fuzzy G__ watch over all the sick
Dawn, Tazy, and Trouble
[Posted in FML issue 2651]