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Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:33:53 EDT
Trudi Casler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
have you gone to the vet and had it tested for parasites???  it must be
done within 2 hrs to give a proper reading...
has the ferret/s maybe ingested something???
yes it could be ece also...
but never give medicine to a ferret or any animal until you have gone to
the vet and found out why it has done this....
giardia can do this and so can a blockage/even a partial blockage...so you
need to visit your vet and separate all the ferrets so you can see who is
poop what and what they are eating and exactaly what they are drinking...
if you are feeding duck soup, doesnt it have pedalyte in it???
and why are you feeding it anyway....i appoligize if i have missed a
previous post of yours!!!  but duck soup is used when they are sick....but
its very important to know where the sickness comes from before treating
with duck soup and meds...cause if you have a blockage then the course of
treatment would be very different...my suggestion is to take the ferret/s
to the veternarian and proceed from there...
again if i missed a previous statement from you i apploigize...but having
not read one this is my advice....goodluck and God BLess...
Trudi and the 13 terrors...who have to take yucky medicine  :-(
[Posted in FML issue 2649]