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Tue, 13 Apr 1999 07:31:32 -0600
Michelle Lindberg <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
Hey all - a wonderful dook to everyone from me and my gang.....
On the subject of naming - a friend of mine had a trait that I stuck to
after having gotten my first ferret, his name was:
Hobbes - for the Philosopher or as in "Calvin and Hobbes".  Just what I
thought to be a cute name for a lovely little endearing Silver Mitt (RIP)
after that, I decided to keep on with the HO trait and added the following:
Homer - for the Philosopher - a Christmas present for Hobbes that was
stolen that summer from my friends house.... don't ask how I know... (RIP)
Hocktraben - (aka Hock) German for high flown and pompus - and man was he!
But quite the lover!  (RIP)
then we adopted finally.... was a interim shelter for a few in there, but
kept this little lover:
Hodgepodege - what else can I say, he was the mix of everything - love to
crazy!  (RIP)
Hoshi - another adoptee who lived to the ripe old age of 13!  (RIP)
everyone was getting a bit older, but Hock was still going strong so we
went out of our way to find a new buddy for him:
Hobart - I would have to look up what it means, but it cvertainly fits
him - some type of a brainiac is the basis and well, he fits the bill!
(Except for litterbox usage out of the cage!)
now everyone but Hobart was gone and he lost it - very depressed ferret -
never have seen anything like it, so we adopted again from Ferrets Etc.
this time - a wonderful choice!:
Hobbit - formerly known as Tommy - he is a big boy with the biggest lovable
eyes you have ever seem!  He was a wonderful addition!
two - down to a little quiet home, but two ferts needed a new home and they
just had to join my clan!  I kept their names out of fairness:
Odin - beautiful Albino buddy who was a biter, but nowthat I have learned
why he does it (to get attention) it can be circumvented the majority of
the time - he is a lover!
Bacchus - psychotic ferret - never had one who was so much trouble - I am
going out of my mind trying to figure out how to keep him happy and
entertained!  He never stops!
So, there is that.... next ferret is very likely to stick witht he HO
trend - just kept the last two names out of fairness - but all I have to
say is find your trend and then look up names in the dictionary or a names
book and go with what best fits!
In terms of integrations - I think I might be the luckiest fert owner int
he world when I read some of the stories on FML!  I have NEVER had an
integration problem - only small issues with new kits, but never enough to
require separation or anything - they have all loved and accepted each
other from the get go.  I don't know if this is because of all of the
personal time that I spent with each and every one of my Boyz or what.....
I do have to say though that except for new kits and Hobbit the adoptee
that they always were buddies before they came to live, so that likely
helped - just a permanent visitor!  As well, when I did go to get a new kit
or adopt a buddy, the primary of the gang or all of them came along for
inspection and approval.... I feel that I am getting them a new friend,
they should have some choice in the matter - just like you would do with a
dog or like any shelter or Humane Society would require - at least one
social meeting on neutral territory....
Good luck to all and warm cuddles for all of those who have lost an
endeared one recently.... from Michelle and her gang of Boyz in lovely
Michelle Lindberg
Support Engineer
Strategic Process Management Team
Sun Microsystems - Colorado
DIRECT: (303) 464 4574
EMAIL: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2646]