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Sun, 11 Apr 1999 00:47:01 -0400
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Hello readers,
While I don't want to ignite a fury on the FML, I have to say , that we are
all human.  I understand this, we are all capable of being imperfect and
making mistakes as individuals , as employees or agents for businesses.
That is life.  On the magazine great debate-- I really feel that folks
need to reason and read and judge for themselves.  I see things in many
publications not just the "ferret industry" that makes me cringe -- other
things I miss.  I think we all must realize that some of the readers of any
publication are 'NEW" to ferrets and can be impressed upon in the wrong
way when looking at visual illustrations, whether it be cartoons or
photographs.  New ferret owners are desperately looking to publications
to better care for or better understand their pets.  In these cases of
inexperienced or unseasoned ferret owners an inappropriate photograph
*could* cost a pet a life-- say for instance photos of ferrets in glass
jars-- I bet some of us can recall some of these - I know of ferrets who
have met certain death wedged in glass jars!
Onto the point-- While I myself may look at a photo or illustration as a
more experienced owner and appreciate humor, I also realize others may not
pick up on the spoof, humor or other context within.  Thus results a mixed
message, or wrong message to the reader.  While there may not be a "crime"
committed in the cute bunny photo-- I certainly can attest that ferrets and
cavies are not fast friends.  In 1994 while operating as ferret rescue &
rehab.  I was personally approached by the county 4_H folks.  They wanted
me to become a club leader and of course, Ferret Wise was hoped to
establish a ferret husbandry and showing program for the local county
fair ( with hopes of a state wide program).  A lot was happening as our
incorporated shelter was into the non profit compliance, never the less, we
followed through.  I became a 4-H leader -- I studied the fair layouts and
examined space and caging accommodations and this is what happened in the
course of the event:
Dino & I each with our own first ferrets perched on shoulders walked
through the 4-H display building at a local agricultural fair and when we
entered the cavie buildings the fierce and desperate screaming and
screeching followed along with rabbits flinging themselves against their
cages-- all to escape the smell of the ferrets which were a good 20 feet
away.  The flight instinct was apparent and I add appalling!  This is how
I learned that ,as a general rule, ferrets and rabbits should not share
immediate living space.  I was so fearful that I might provoke a heart
attack, or induce a stress illness on an animal who was already in a
exhibition away from it's normal habitat.  The NH ferret 4-H program never
got off the ground at least not locally as I dead ended it -- because to
show them would mean they were housed in the same building/ rooms that the
cavies are.  In certain circumstances I suppose a rabbit and ferret can
live in harmony, but that should not be suggested as the "rule".  That was
NOT our experience.
I am not familiar with personal reports of delayed responses, or business
practices at either publication so I cannot comment here.  Life and
business do get complicated at times, I think we need a bit more
understanding in this world.  I have in the past and will be happy to
continue to write for both publications, if they will allow me to continue.
I do not wish to take any one side -- as the point is not "who's better"
the publications in my estimation are two different types.  The point is,
in my estimation, education for the many.
TO both publications , I want to *stress* the importance of educating the
public, for sometimes we can suggest improprieties that have a grim outcome
for the unexpected reader.
To readers who take sides, perhaps we sohouls all work constructively,
certainly more is gained in unity, though diversity is very colorful - I
grant you that!
Just my 2 cents..  I sure hope we all can resume for the GOOD of the
[Posted in FML issue 2643]