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Sat, 10 Apr 1999 22:52:50 EDT
"Erin T. Sabater" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to say that I thought Barbara, who posted a long, yet
informative and well written piece on the rabbit/ferret pix in MF , did a
wonderful job!  Bravo to you Barbara!!!  :) Job well done.  I agree
wholeheartedly with you.
I have been reading the MF debate for more than a week now, and I must
say that I will be glad when it is over because it seems fruitless to
me.  Mostly because MF isn't listening to any of our legitimate
complaints/suggestions.  All I can say is that I think it is very dangerous
for MF to assume that we ferret owners aren't very smart.  Because after
reading Barbara's post I realize now that there are a few of us out there
who know just as much, if not more (not including me) than MF when it comes
to ferret care.  I'm sorry to see that MF is disregarding solid advice from
very ferret-wise people out there.
I buy MF as well as other mags and books on ferrets, just like most of us
do.  I think that we are taking this MF thing a bit personally though.
Partly because we're assuming because it is a small company run by fellow
ferret owners, that what input we give will be given consideration.  And
from what I've seen in the past week here on the FML...that sadly isn't so.
I don't think it will ever be so.
I, myself will continue to buy ferret mags and books as they come out,
because I love all my babies and want them to have the best medical care
as well as all the newest toys!  LOL
But I know when a statement or a picture is wrong, because I've had ferrets
a long time, so it's okay for me.  I can only hope that "new" ferret owners
don't go by everything they read...it's potentially dangerous and/or fatal
to ferrets and/or other companion animals that their ferrets may come in
contact with.  I hope that everyone on the FML will continue to help in
advising those "new" owners as they post their questions to us.  That's
what we're here for isn't it?  I know that I wouldn't have had all the
answers to dealing with my deaf panda, Tsunami, if it weren't for all of
you.  I'm glad that I didn't have to depend on any mag for the answers. :)
Thank you for being there for me when I needed all of you.  Let's all help
each other and try to let go of this MF debacle, ok?
In other words..."Can't we all just get along?" :)  (just my thoughts...no
need to "flame me folks)
Erin and The Kids (Ayla, Kato, Rikki, Cocoa, Cinder and Tsunami)
God Bless !
[Posted in FML issue 2643]