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Sat, 10 Apr 1999 23:47:48 EDT
Mini Tafoya <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hello everyone, and greetings from the very windy state of NM.  Maybe if we
would have more trees, the sand wouldn't be blowing around that bad... oh
well it's the price you pay for mild winters and hot DRY summers.
Ok about the ringworm: A few years ago we let one of our babies go to a new
home.  Within 10 days I got this baby back and she had the worst case of
ringworm.  I guess a litter of puppies were the guilty party.  I assumed my
vet would have me bring her in to treat her, but after talking to Jim (vet)
he instructed me to shave the area (not to make the treatment easier) I
guess you shave the effected area so it doens't contain particales of the
ringworm and spread even more.  Jim had me purchase some higher % Idodine
and apply it daily.  I don't recall the exact %, but do believe it was in
the 6-8% range, (cost about $6.00 at Walgreens) It took about 2-3 weeks
before it was completely gone, and a cpl more weeks for her fur to grow
back.  Neither I or any family member came down with ringworm during the
time April had it.  I have had one other case of ringworm and that was a
La Mancha Goat almost 20 yrs ago.  The iodine works great and is very
reasonable price wise to purchase.  I am just speaking of my own experience
regarding this issue and what worked for me.  Well better get busy here, as
my 200 feet of wire arrived yesterday, and it's time to make more cages for
the kids:)))
Hugs to all the fuzzies
Mini and her gang
[Posted in FML issue 2643]