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Wed, 7 Apr 1999 20:35:02 -0400
Mildred Moore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi to all fuzzies and to the fuzzies parents,
I have a question which I hope some of you well experienced ferret people
can answer for me.  I have a 2 year old boy who has a bowel problem.  The
barium x-rays showed something surrounding the bowel in the pelvic area.
The vet thinks it might be the prostate, but isn't sure.  My vet is
learning about ferrets, so I am questioning the doseage of the pills he has
prescribed for my boy.  The pill is small, but the bottle says they are
5mg.  I am to cut the pill in half and give him that with food everyday.
To me that sounds like a high doseage, but the things that I have read on
this list always discuss this medicine in liquid terms.  And I will admit
that I am not sure on comparing liquid with the pill.  I do plan on going
over these directions with the vet again before starting him on this
My vet also does not think that this is adrenal related, so I am also
asking for the opinion of the people on this list with vast more experience
than my vet and I have, "Can this be adrenal?"  And should I have the tests
run for adrenal.  Keep in mind that my boy has no symptoms of anything
being wrong with him other than the small, skinny poops.
I really hate the thought on him having to be on this medicine, let alone
for the rest of his life.  I think that this may be dangerous for him.
So please, if anyone has any ideas, experience, or suggestions as to what
is going on and how best to deal with it, let me know.  Either to this
list or to me via email.
Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this.
Millie and her Moore the merrier crew of 10.
ICQ #13421805
[Posted in FML issue 2640]