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Mon, 5 Apr 1999 04:42:15 -0700
june batz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi all, couple of things, first I wanted to "Good find Amy!" The comments
made by the AVMA LEFT ME WITH MY JAW ON THE FLOOR.  It felt like, to me,
the were on some kind of ferret hunt, it was shocking to me that a bunch of
educated people like themselves could make such an attack on the ferrets,
to me, it felt like an attack!
On a another note, I should have gotten my facts clear before posting this,
and I will further research it, and post again, but maybe somebody know
whats I am talking about.  I also belong to a cat mailing list, called TALK
ABOUT CATS, when I first joined this list a little over a month ago, I came
in during a big debate, a thread that had been going on for sometime.
It is regarding the whole vaccinate or not to vaccinate question, it seems
there are alot a vets out there who of the same mind when it comes to this
dilema, because they are now saying CANCERS are being caused ..either at
the vaccination site or in the surrounding tissues and are suggesting these
theories to their clients and in turn NOT VACCINATING..has anyone ever
experienced this with their pet..of any kind..?  Or ran into of vet with
said theories?
June Louis and the zoo
[Posted in FML issue 2638]