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Sat, 3 Apr 1999 04:16:20 -0500
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Hello.. I have been a long time subscriber to the list.. sometimes I just
can't bring myself to read it.  I have lost pets and have a ferret who has
to live with my paren'ts cause she isn't happy with living with me and
stopped eating.  So home she went.  Into my life came a small floppy eared
wonder named Merlin.  well I soon found that Merlin was Merlet.  A couple
of weeks ago my Sweet Bunna passed on due to an inherint fragility to
anisthetic which bun's have..  If anyone knows of a Bunny Mailing list or
grief center please e-mail me at [log in to unmask]  I thought I would
always be a died in the wool ferret and cat lover..  but this sweet and
gentle bun convinced me that they are just as wonderful a pet as our
beloved Carpet Sharks.  I know this is off the subject but at 4 am greiving
alone can be miserable.  My beloved Rocky lives a very well loved and
pamperd ferret life with my parent's and i get to see her when ever I
visit.  I am sending love and kisses out to all furred creatures and
condolances and hugs to any parent who has recently lost a fuzzy of
Dooks and Nosies to all!
Ronda and the Critter Farm
Rocky the Ferret  "Mom I want a bannana popcicle!  Now!"
Inky the Cat  "Mom gimmy a bbq potato chip.  Please!"
Spatz the other Cat  "Feed me now! I can see the bottom of my bowl!"
(she has 3 legs and no tail was hit by a car-- please watch out for pets
while driving!)
Merlet the Lop Dwarf Bunny  Merlet passed over the rainbow bridge on Friday
March 12.. she joins Snowflake the ferret and Herculese the mouse.. May God
watch over them all.. :_(
Harlequin (Harley) the other Dwarf Bunny "Ohh I like my new big cage mom!
Powder Puff (Puff)  Ok.. so yeah I am dad's new bunny but I know they miss
someone else.
I am at http://geocities.com/Petsburgh/3717
[Posted in FML issue 2636]