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Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:52:48 -0800
kat parsons <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
I know now why people post about their little ones gone...I had no problem
with those posts other than I could not read them cause they made me cry...
Now it is my turn...
Some of you may remember about me posting about Marcel, the ferret I was
babysitting for my neice's friend... and his "caved-in" stomach...well, he
passed away Wednesday night...I had had to force feed him for about a week,
I guess...and had talked to the vet about him...and he said I was doing
everything that he would be abel to do...
But, Wednesday morning when I got up, and got all my babies up, Marcel
could hardly walk, and was holding his head funny...and I have to admit I
went a little crazy...I called the vet, who, of course was not in, and
would not be in till 3 p.m., but his wife told me that Marcel's family
would only authorize an office call....NOT hospitalization...I knew I was
out of my league here, so I tried to get his owner's daughter-in-law to
authorize hospitalization... (the owners are in Spain)...I (in hysterics)
explained that I could not deal with this... she said for me to bring
Marcel over to her house and she would take him to the vet that afternoon...
she did and the vet said he had lymphoma (sp?)...(I called the vet that
afternoon to see what he thought)
Then I called the lady this afternoon (Thurs) to see how Marcel was...and
she told me that he had died during the night in his sleep...
Funny...I knew that before I called...guess I just had to hear it from
I only had him for 3 weeks...but I loved him so much!!!  And I miss him
so!!!!!  He was the sweetest, most gentle ferret I have ever known...
Skeeter, please make sure he knows how much he was loved by us...and how
much he is missed!!!!
Click here to go to The Ferrets' Pages...
Rascal...my cinnamon...my first...my quiet kisser!...knowing I will let him
down when he does!!!"
Sassy...my lady...my sweet, sweet lady!...but...'NO!!NO!! don't kiss me!!!!'"
Wolfie...my "stands up and begs for 'just one more treat'?...and now...'bar
stool climber'!!!!"
Monkey(Shine)...my "blaze" wild man!!!...my holy-terror...my 'flying
[Posted in FML issue 2627]