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Tue, 9 Mar 1999 20:45:02 -0500
Penny Pease <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Hello everyone,
Today I got my first "scare" with Foo.  My daughter brought him to me
saying that he wasn't breathing right.  I took him and he sure looked
awful.  He was limp, breathing with his mouth open, eyes half closed and
whimpered!  I almost died!  Thinking that he was injured, I rushed to get
him out to the car to run to the animal hospital and stopped for a second
before handing him to my son to hold while I drove.  He suddenly sneezed
and seemed fine after that!  Perked right up!  I sat with him for awhile
and he was ok, much to my relief.  I think what has happened is that he
caught the cold my whole family has had.  He seems like he doesn't feel
well but is otherwise ok.  He is eating, drinking and everything, but
just acts tired like he feels yucky.  His nose is dry and we have heard
him sneeze a few times.  I wonder if anyone can tell me what they do for a
fuzzy that catches a cold.  Is there anything you can give them if their
nose is stuffy or they run a fever?
Thanks very much in advance for your suggestions.
Penny and Foo
[Posted in FML issue 2610]