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Mon, 8 Mar 1999 01:03:42 EST
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
My husband and I are looking into getting a ferret.  We do not have any
other kids (of any kind).  We have been researching and reading up on
ferrets, and found the FML to be the most helpful source - THANKS.  One
question that we have, that seems to have different answers from people
is Should we get more than one?  We will be out of the house for about 10
hours a day, and we were first thinking that it would be better to have
company.  The ferret/ferrets will be caged while we are not home, but have
the run of most of the house while we are home.  I know that we will beable
to give them both the attention and love that they need/want.  We just want
to do what is best - I have been reading that sometimes it is hard to bring
a second ferret into the home (because of the fighting).  So we thought it
might be better to have both start out new to our home?!?!?  Another
question - Is adrenal tumors - are they very common?  I just see a lot
about them and am already worried.  We are willing to do anything to keep
out family memebers well.  We are very excited about becoming parents and
would love any advise you have to offer!  Thanks.
Bert and Ernie
[Posted in FML issue 2608]