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Thu, 4 Mar 1999 07:10:58 -0800
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Here is my contribution to ferret songs.  Hope you like it!
Hiding the Craisins Again
(To the tune of  Stairway to Heaven)
There's a ferret who's sure all that glitters he'll hold
And he's making a beeline to his hidey-hole.
When he gets there he knows all the treasures it holds
And he won't miscount the socks hidden there
Ooh ooh, and he's hiding the Craisins again
There's a sock in the hall and he wants to be sure
That is isn't captured by his siblings
On the shelves there are books that need to be pushed
And scattered all over  the floor
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder
There's a feeling I get that is cold and wet
Did I step in a corner present again??
In my kitchen I've seen dancing machines
And the voices of those who are dooking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder
And it's rumoured that soon, at the full moon
That the ferrets will be dancing madly
And a new place is found to hide from the hound
And the hallways echo with dooking
If there's a tussle in your bathroom don't be alarmed now
It's just some weasels who don't want to be clean
Yes, there are two ears to clean now, but before long
Ferret math will strike and there will be more.
And it makes me wonder
The ferret's drinking your tea and it won't go in case you don't know
Until it has spilled everything
Can you find all of your things or are they missing
They are stashed away and hidden
And as we shuffle step around
Our weasels underfoot abound
We walk carefully in the dark
No telling where the ferts have gone
They make the cat cry and the dogs bark
And if you listen very hard
I'm sure you will hear the call
Of the dooking sounds so sweet
It's the ferrets at your feet
And he's hiding the Craisins again.
Dana & Mike (proud Parents of 7)
Robert (I am such a good boy!)
Theodore (Is that song about us Mama?)
Eddie (Hiding the Craisins again - where did you get that idea???)
Samantha (I am a dancing machine!)
Kitty, Riggs, and Bonnie (well, at least we were mentioned in the song!)
[Posted in FML issue 2605]