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Sat, 27 Feb 1999 11:39:07 EST
Karen Rochette <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (111 lines)
Hello from the Ma. Wrecking Crew.
It's been awhile since we' ve written becaues my computer Has been Majorily
Down for nearly 3 wks.!  Everything was Deleted out,and all Reset!  We've
been working on resetting the Entire system!
Anyway,we 're beack up and running once more,and No!  Thia time the
Wrecking Crew is Innocent!
For those wondering,Their All,all 10 doing o.k.  We're Still working on
regaining their weight back After their ECE episode,but none of the
Wrecking Crew were Lost to ECE!  Hooray!
The humurous tale,is this:
As many of you probably know from your own battles with ECE,the fuzzies who
gert it,and Recover Become a bot,shall we say Used to Lots and Lots of
Extra Attention,at least Ours certainly Have.
Returning them to a more Normal schedule that We could Live with has been a
little struggle,and our Wrecking Crew Resented the change,to say the Least!
Well,as you guys know,the fuzzies are Imaginative,if not extremely Clever
about getting what They want!
As the tale was told told to me by Mom Terry,she had just gone in their
room at around 5:40 A.M. Eastern time here in Mass.  Out here anyway;it;s
Still Very Dark out at these Early hours,and Lights are a Must in the wee
a.m. hours!  Anyway;she'd just gone in,and had set up the cleaning
supplies,the treats for Good Behaviour,and had Opened all of the cages.
All 10 had already gone to checki in with her;then promply Scattered about
the room.  Chips our Little Man,was in the tower,Lady Gretta,right behind
him,Smokey was already attached to her stockings and clawing at the plastic
bag for dirty litter,Cinnamon was playing with the kit Shadow,Spice was
circling her feet,begging for the Good Stuff,the other 3 kits were running
in and out of the milk crate handles,and Under the cages,and Princess Neesa
she thought was Gathering up her toys and moving them to her Hidey wholes!
Now,Please try to Picture this!
Mom was already wrapped in cleaning the cages,she thought All Kids were
playing their Normal routine games;they do These things Every Day,Every
time We let them out!  All was Perfectly Normal and routine.
Mom goes in,turns the small light on,then gets the Hot water and cleaning
solution,takes out the bag,gets the treats handy,closes the door;then opens
all 4 cages and lets the Wrecking Crew out!
They all go to her,in 2,and 3's till All 10 have checked her out and begged
for thjeir treats;wich they Don't get yet!
Then they all scatter about the room to play and get into Mischief!  It's
Normal and certain types of Mischief is Allowed,they know this,and it's our
way of Playing with each other!
But most Play doesn't Start until After the 4 cages are completely
cleaned;they Know this too,but when they came down with ECE,of course this
All changed,it Had too,and herein lies the problem.
So there They are,and there is Moom busily cleaning,and playing a little
with the 1,or 2 Insistan fuzzies come over to Help!  Really ... They just
Want Help,Right !
Now mom is on her knees,reaching in with the rag of cleaning solution,it's
still Early,so it's dark out except for the low lights that are on in their
All of a sudden The Light goes out!  Mom jumps,bangs her head,then Promptly
trips over Smokey and Spice,who haven't Really Left her alone;they Never
do!  Then falls to the floor.  When she Finally gets up,then gets the light
back on,of course All fuzzies are scampering around her feet,or quite
Innocently playing with each other,well away from the lights!
So mom,turned galred at one and All,then quickly returned to work on the
cages.  Mom went to work on the Last cage,was in fact once moreon her hands
and knees,reaching in to clean when A Certain , fuzzy tore by her,heading
for the table with the light, at break neck speeds!
Some of you,I bet can guess wich of the Wrecking Crew this was ... Do you
have a clue Margie,or mom Joe;You know a bit about our Wrecking Crew!  Who
coud it be?
You got it!
Princess Neesa was the culprit!  She tore by Mom Terry,intent on getting
that Nasty ol light,and getting Mom Terry to Stop and Play!
By the time Mom got out of the cage,and on her feet,Princess Neesa had
gotten the chord,snatched it up and yanked!
Out goes the lights for the second time!
Mom gets them back on,then reaches for the Little Princess,who's calmly
watching her her expression clearly saying,What?!  Is there something
wrong?  You' ve got a lot of nerve saying I did Something wrong!  You know
I'm innocent!
Now all of you,I'm certain you know this Particuliar,head tildted look I'm
talking about.You get it Every time you catch the Rascals at mischief and
you Tell them No!
But our Little Princess takes the cake,cause she calmly sits there Waiting
for you,with That look;then she Looks Right at you,Directly Into your eyes
her entire demeaner of Innocense Personified,yet there Always Is this
little Gleam,a Spark in her eyes,that Just Dares you to do something about
it!  She Knows ,you know what she Did,but She'll be Damned if she'll Admit
it,you just Try to get her to!
That's our little tale,and we and the wrecking crew hope those of you with
sick fuzzies,all start feeling better,and we hope this little note will
brighten your days,give all the Lost ones,and ill little devils a little
hug,and may your days grow brighter soon. Dooks and laughs to one and all!
[Posted in FML issue 2600]