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Wed, 17 Feb 1999 02:54:22 -0500
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I saw this post and wanted to say something immediately, but due to
illness, I haven't done much of anything lately.  But I noticed that people
were still posting, so I thought I'd add my 2".  I enjoy getting to know
the personality of each and every one of my fuzz brats.  They are all so
different, in so many ways, and I treasure being able to share my home with
each one.  They are also gifted with various annoying habits, as well, but
even then, they make me laugh.  If we had stopped at two, I think 7 month
old Dessie (always wired for sound) would have made 2 yr old Chumba (blind
and more sedate) nutsos.  Sequoia, believe it or not, was chosen by Chuck
simply based on her name, sight unseen.  He really liked that name (go
figure).  She's a 6 year old rescue, who until a year before we got her,
never had time out of her cage (breeder).  Pepper and Sugar, our two
'foster ferrets' (they are supposed to go up for adoption this weekend....
still taking bets that they never cross the door out of here) turned our
whole house upside down, and what a blast we've had.  I started with one,
who I loved dearly, and he had his great qualities, but I kept reading
about how this one did that, and that one loved this, and I wanted to know
different ferrets, to get the different joys of their personalities.
Dessie, he's our 'bubba' ferret, almost as wide as he is long, loves to
wrestle the girls, even though he never wins, and gives me cuddles only by
extreme force.  Chumba, our little blind girl is very playful sometimes,
but mostly an explorer, although she is the only one who's ever tried to
drag me into her hidey-hole.  I was very flattered.  Sequoia shows us how
much of a lady a ferret can be, despite never knowing human love in her
early life, accepts it as her due (I keep trying to explain to her that
screaming in the other ferrets ears isn't a lady-like manner).  Sugar is
very sweet, with the best darn war dance and dookfest you've ever seen and
I swear, although Chuck laughs at me, when she stands facing you, she's got
the sexiest pair of ferret front legs a girl could ever hope for (she is
single, boys ;).  And Pepper.  The most aggrevating, conniving, smartest,
stubbornist ferret in this house!  Skinniest too, so she gets in where no
fert has gone before <grrr>.  When Chuck got all excited about her most
unusual gray coat and wanted to foster her, I thought, 'What a gorgeous
coat, but what an ugly face!' (please, don't anyone tell her that).  She
has rapidly become the ferret of my heart.  Among her virtues are her
affection, she gives lots of kisses, and takes time out of her play to come
to me.  She begs for treats even when I'm not handing them out, something
the others never thought of, but she's teaching them.  And she is the only
one I've actually gotten to roll over for a treat (yipee!).  But I think
the thing that endears her to me most is the fact that when I catch her
climbing my desk, and pull her off, she turns and gives me kisses, and
looks as though that will convince me to let her continue up there.  And
about half of the time, it works <sheepish grin>.
Since we added the two foster girls, Dessie (who wears out the two 'ladies'
of our business) has found his soulmates.  Those three can be found getting
into all kinds of mischief together, and rolling all over the house, having
a blast.  Chumba and Sequoia have also been caught in the act of romping it
up with them from time to time.  I think I finally convinced Chuck that the
girls had to stay because Dessie would be so heartbroken without them.
Keep your fingers crossed for us, folks, cause this Mommy's heart would
also be crushed.
Sorry it's so long, but (heheheh) I could talk about my ferrets, all day
[Posted in FML issue 2590]