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Fri, 5 Feb 1999 18:04:30 +1300
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I was in town today getting this weeks kit photos developed (Still have to
scan them!!  Will get to it and upload them tonight!) While I was in town I
stopped by a second hand store and what should I see but the most gorgeous,
cute, little armchair.  It was the PERFECT size for a ferret!!  So.... paid
an extravagent amount for the darned thing, and tested it out on the kit
I'd taken to town with me (I'm attempting to get them used to new people -
fun while they're teething!!)
Immediate reaction!  The little gal immediate sat in the thing and curled
up to test the size (apparently perfect size)... then she nudged open the
seat (it has a little box in the seat area) and - just as ferrets are prone
to, immediately curled up INSIDE the armchair and let the 'cushion' fall
down over her.  Evidently a snug bed for the brat.
I took her out and placed her back in her carry bag for part of the trip,
however, on the walk home, she decided the bag wasn't good enough.  She
climbed up and tried to break into the plastic bag holding the armchair!!
I shifted all the other stuff I was carrying to the other hand, half
uncovered the chair, and watched as she immediately curled up on the seat
of the thing, laid her head on the arm rest, and went to sleep.  She
remained there until I got home, at which time, she opened her eyes,
yawned, and looked around her lazily, before sitting up regally with that
'you can put me down now' look.
The third stop (before the chair find!) was funny.  I'd stopped at the pet
store with a (then) exhausted little girl.  She'd been to the film store
and an auction already, and sitting in her carry bag was obviously
exhausting!!  The pet store got their first sight of 'dead ferret syndrome'
She was still half asleep when we arrived, but after having been stretched
out on the nice, cool counter, she went into a deep sleep.  The girl who
works at the store had me place her on a piece of towelling so she wasn't
directly sleeping on the tile (the counter has tiles on it) She ended up
lying on her back, head flopped back completely, her front legs laid on
either side, her back legs splayed wide, and her body and tail stretched in
a straight line.  You could see her breathing, but she was out cold.  Once
she was completely out, I picked her up to several comments of "She's
dead!" ROTFL
I wish I'd had my camera with me!!
Time to start scanning so the kit pics are up!!  Just to save poor BIG's
time and energy, I'll post the URL here <G>
Week nine will be up as soon as I've finished scanning!!
Hugs to the fuzzies,
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Posted in FML issue 2577]