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Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:17:42 -0500
Michelle Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Last night I had a terrible incident with my 3 year old ferret.  She got
sick on her stomach, and then what followed was something I had never seen
before.  I was actually in bed but my finance woke me up and said that
there was something wrong with Cinamon, she had just thrown up.  I jumped
out of bed and took her from him and she was as limp as jello.  I was sure
that she was dying.  She was so limp and her eyes were barely opened.  Of
course, I went into hysterics.  I only have 2 ferrets and neither one has
ever been sick so this was totally new to me.  I held her for about 10 -15
minutes while my finance got the vet on the phone.  The whole time there
was no change.  Every once in a while she would lift her head but only for
a second.  When we talked to the vet, he said he would meet us at his
office in 15 - 20 minutes.  By the time that we got there she was almost
back to her usual self.  She was not as active as she normally is but her
eyes were wider and she was more alert.  The vet examined her and said that
everything looked okay.  He said that it sounded like it might be low blood
sugar but at this point he could not be for sure.  He explained insulmia
(sp?) to us and cancer in the pancreas but I guess from being so upset that
I did not digest everything that he said.  He did tell me to keep an eye on
her and make sure that she was eating.  He also said that if it happened
again to try giving her some Karo Syrup.  He said if it happened again to
let him know and he would need to keep her and observe her and run some
tests.  Has anyone had this happen to their ferret?  I am really scared
because I don't know what is wrong with her and I was sure that she was
dying on me.  I know there are lots of ferrets oweners out there who have
had to deal with sick ferrets so I was hoping to hear from someone who
might have been through something similiar?
I do not get a chance to read the list-serv everyday so please reply
directly to me at [log in to unmask]  Any thoughts of what might be wrong
or any advice would be greatly appreciate.
Michelle Anderson
Graduate Program Secretary
Department of Mathematics
460 McBryde Hall
Blacskburg, VA 24061-0123
(540) 231-6537
[Posted in FML issue 2568]