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Wed, 9 Dec 1998 19:11:48 -0500
"DeBout,Sandy" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
I must admit that I do not read every post from end to end as I just don't
take the time.  I also run a shelter.  There were a fair amount of ferrets
in the shelter at the time with health problems and the operator at that
time had health and personal problems.  I agreed to take over until someone
else could be found...that was 2 years ago.  I am still looking for someone
to take over.
I must also say that I am part of a club and am an officer of the club.
The club and the shelter work hand-n-hand.  The club members and the other
officers are what helps keep me sane (some say I am not but that is another
issue).  I may run the shelter on a daily basis but I have help on weekends
to clean cages and people to do vet runs.  I have a sounding board if I
want to try something new.  I do get recommendations on how to do things
better.  We have a survey that I ask visitors to fill out and mail to a
third party.  I run a ferret store from the shelter to help with finances.
One of the other major money maker has been our ferret sitting/boarding.
This responsiblility is spread among some of the other club officers
depending on schedules and space at the time.  Yes, I know there can be
alot of problems with health issues/problems.  We make sure that each
ferret is current with rabies and distemper shots.  We try to keep them
totally seperate from the shelter and/or personal ferrets.  For the first
time in years, we hav been able to pay our vet bills each month for the
past year.
Possibly our numbers are considerably less than some shelters.  We have
taken in 64 ferrets this year and have found homes for 54.  8 ferrets have
passed over the Rainbow Bridge and 7 are in foster homes.  We had a waiting
list at one point this summer and have transferred some ferrets from other
shelters to meet this need.  We have been fortunate to get some very young,
healthy ferrets but we also have gotten very old and sick ferrets.
I know the discussion of putting a ferret to sleep has come up several
times.  I guess I let my vet help with that decision.  The questions that
we ask are "Is the ferret in pain?" and "Is the pain tempory?" .  I also
have had the sick, near death ferret that I have fed every hour or 2 around
the clock and just tried to give it as much love and comfort as possible in
the last few minutes/hours/days of it's life.  When it gets to the point
that the ferret can not drag itself to the litter box and needs to be
washed and forced fed and squeeks with pain just picking it up... I must
say that everyone has to live with the decision they make.  It is much
easier to make that decision when that little creature is not in your arms
and your care.  As for sugery, "Is the sugery going to improve the quality
of life?" "Will it prolong it's life only to suffer?" I don't look at this
decision as only a financial one.  I try to do what is in the best interest
of the ferret.
We have an adoption process but I must say the gut feel plays an important
role.  One thing I do try to follow up with their current vet if they
currently have a dog or cat.  If they don't take them in for yearly shots
and checkups, chances are they will not take the ferret in for that same
things.  If someone can't afford the adoption cost, what will happen when
their ferret gets sick or needs sugery.  It's not just the one time
pruchase price of a pet...it's the ongoing maintaince.  I have had ferrets
returned.  Often by people with tears in their eyes and feeling really bad.
Usually it is alergies either theirs or another family member or housemate.
These thing can happen.  We do a 30 day refund and just ask people to be
honest with us as to the reason for return.
I also try to make the surrender process go as smoothly as possible.  I am
always surprised when someone will drop off a ferret that is old, very sick
and sometime totally bald and nearly starving to death.  I do ask them if
they noticed that the ferret is really sick and if there was a reason they
had not seeked medical help.  I am usually told they don't have the money.
In some cases the ferret is in the same bedding that it had 7 or 8 year ago
when they got the ferret and not washed in all that time.  I do try to get
a donation of some kind out of them.  Even if it is a cage or carrier.
Every little bit helps and the cages and carries can be cleaned up and
resold.  I have had some people come here and interview me prior to turning
in their ferrets.  These people are usually transferred to Calif for work
and won't risk taking the ferrets with them.
I am sure there are things we can improve on as can all of us.  We do have
one officer that does a pet fair in a discount pet store each month.  This
store only sells product and not animals.  Education is so important.
Sharon takes 1 or 2 ferrets just so people can see one up close and
personal.  Some of the comments are quite interesting but I think every
little bit helps.  If people are determined on getting a baby from a pet
store, we are not going to stop them but I do ask them to stop by the
shelter and see how cages can be set up and get some ideas on toys and
Anyway, I am happy that Bob Church opened up the subject as it did bring
quite a few people out of hiding.
Sandy DeBout
Western New York & Finger Lakes Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2519]