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lisette lumsden <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 20:23:14 -0400
text/plain (40 lines)
This is the first time in weeks I have had an hour free during the day.  I
used the time to call 6 vets that were on my ferret vet list from S.T.A.R.
None of them had the correct area code.  And none of the vets did surgery
on ferts.  None had pictures of ferts in their office, though they had
pictures of cats and dogs.  { Always ask the receptionist that.  No fert
pictures in vet hospital with pictures of other animals?  Dont see too many
ferts now do they?}
Vets were either honest and said they really did not feel qualified to
treat ferts, or told terrible lies.  I told each vet I thought I had a fert
that needed adrenal surgery.  None had ever done the surgery.  One guy had
only seen 3 ferts ever, and told all their owners to do nothing when fur
fell out because it was not possible to do adrenal surgery.  All needed
left side removed, and this was impossible to do.  But dont worry, because
they dont need the surgery.  And within two years they will die of cancers
anyway.May GOD strike me dead if I am lying.  This is what vet told me.
Is this the list we are supposed to use for referrals, or was this a ha-ha,
I'm kidding , we found the worst vets for ferrets list, or what???
PEOPLE BELIEVE IN THOSE LISTS.  Whoever made that one up has probably been
responsible for ferts dying in the hands of vets that dont know about ferts.
The same vets were the ones on the list at same location listed.  So it's
not that a new vet took over the practice.
Do your homework guys.  Are there ferret pictures, does receptionist see
many ferts/ Do they make ugly faces when you bring yours in?  How many
surgeries has vet done?  More right or left adrenals?  What is percentage
of cancer he sees?[or she]  Any herbal therapies, or duck soups that vet
could recommend?Do they wash their hands?  Was table disinfected where
spray was left on for 10 minutes before wiping off?
It's scary out there guys.  Start checking around now if you havent started
yet.  Don't rely on these lists.
[Posted in FML issue 2658]