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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 7 Mar 1999 21:07:30 +1300454_- Hey guys!!

Jammy, de flowers were won'erful and I DID get dem!! De pwoblem wiv
having such a gweat name as mine is dat dere are ot'ers here wiv de same
name. Dat ot'er Skeeter did t'ink dat I was pwetendin' to be HIM!

I'm still me! Don' wowwy -->hugs<--

It's been gweat pwayin' wiv Ginger, and alt'ough he misses his mom, he's
havin' a gweat time... but he's doin' arets. If I use your
experience as a baseline, I would need 7.5 oz. per day to feed my ferrets.
Just to make it simpler, I'm going to round up to 8 oz. per day; that
would mean that a 15# bag should last one month, approximately. Now, you
stated that shipping is included in the price for TF from The Ferret Store
in the USA -- Not so. When I bought a 30# bag of TF from them, [...]46_27Jan199917:07:[log in to unmask] 9901 38012 24 21_Solution For Dry Skin13_Tracilyn [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 12:30:43 EST559_- Hello Fellow FMLers

After reading a post yesterday about dry skin in a ferret, I thought I
would share my solution. I am a cosmetologist and it took me a while to
realize that I could apply my profession to helping my ferrets. I use TEE
TREA shampoo. It stimulates the oil glands to help hydrate the skin and
scalp. Paul Mitchell makes one(they also make a conditioner and a bath bar
in the Tea Tree, for all you humans with dry skin), and Mastercuts makes
one. Mastercuts is the less expensive of the two, but it is only sold [...]36_27Jan199912:30:[log in to unmask] 9901 38037 12 15_Martha's Method14_Melissa [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 08:02:14 -0500222_- >you need to rinse a ferret really well, then gently wring out excess water

I wonder if Martha would suggest using a wringer or doing this by hand?


[Posted in FML issue 2569]42_27Jan199908:02:[log in to unmask] 9901 38050 24 23_To Skeeter from Tempest6_Sue [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 01:33:58 +0000338_- Hey, looky what I got! I got a huge bump on my head! You can even see it
though I'm pretty fuzzy right now...I'm also kinda grey...usually I'm white.

Mom didn't lock the door to the attic good enough so we all had a wonderful
time playin up there only somethin' attacked me...don't know what it was...
did you see? [...]45_27Jan199901:33:[log in to unmask] 9901 38075 58 18_Skeeter and Others17_Rebecca [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 10:42:49 -0500393_- Hey, Skeeter!!!! Thanks for the wave. Now I know why that cloud danced so
hard the other day. Lotty's pretty cool, huh? I'll be waving at all of
you! Hope she introduced you to the other critters that used to own me.
You'll find Blue the cat and Star the Min. Schnauzer with her, a little
pinto pony--way to many to list. Tell 'em all I said hi, love them and
miss them. [...]45_27Jan199910:42:[log in to unmask] 9901 38134 108 46_zen hates automagic but slow post rejecters...44_William Killian - Zen and the Art of [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 10:31:03 -0800546_- >From: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: More on colloidal silver
>- Temple University School of Medicine conducted studies of colloidal
> silver

I can neither confirm nor dispute this issue from the Temple web site.
At least this institution exists unlike others cited.

>- Extensive research into the curative properties of silver has been
>conducted for many years at the Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse University,
>Syracuse, N.Y. under the direction of Dr. Robert Becker, M.D. [...]43_27Jan199910:31:[log in to unmask] 9901 38243 59 32_zen's responses to Sukie's posts44_William Killian - Zen and the Art of [log in to unmask], 27 Jan 1999 10:42:53 -0800460_- >From: Sukie Crandall <sukiec@
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:01:49 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Just wanted to let everyone know I got my sample of the Kaytee Rainbow
Exact for ferrets.  As I had suspected would happen, they sent me an entire
3 lb. bag for free.  I haven't tried it yet, so I don't have any particular
opinion about it.
I know their Kaytee Rainbow Exact for rabbits is one of the best rabbit
foods on the market ... but on the other hand, the same company also makes
"Fiesta" blends (for rabbits and for ferrets) which are full of items that
aren't particularly healthy or helpful for the animals.  (There are
unhulled sunflower seeds and some sort of dried beans in the rabbit food.
My rabbit enjoys spitting these at people).  I'm pretty deeply committed to
Totally Ferret, anyway; not only is it well-designed for the needs of
ferrets, but the company that makes it does a LOT to support ferret
shelters and the ferret community as a whole.  Nonetheless, I will give
the Kaytee a "fair shot" and see if my ferrets care for it at all.
Anyway, if anyone wants to order a free sample of Kaytee Rainbow Exact to
try for their ferrets, you can call 1-800-KAYTEE-1.  (That's a number "1"
on the end, not a letter "l").  Make sure you specify the ferret blend, or
you might wind up with rabbit food!  ;->
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 2569]