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Fri, 4 Jun 1999 00:44:47 +1200
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I read Jean's post in yesterday's FML with some sense of disbelief that
someone would be so malicious as to spread such ugly and blatently untrue
rumours about Jean's shelter in Ohio.
I never met the famed Phoenix, however I arrived at Jean's home and shelter
only a matter of days after his passing.  Yup, true, there are cages.
There was even a little poop!!  WOW.  There were some ferrets still in
cages, and others running around in their own rooms.  Heavens, that doesn't
seem like cruel, dirty, inhumane conditions to me.  Hold on, what else was
there?  Oh, that's right.  The food, yeah the food must've been bad or
missing.  Oh... wait, there was good food in all the bowls, actually there
was water too.  Hmmm... what else could there be?  Come to think of it, I
can't recall anything inhumans there.  Wow, the ferrets were friendly, they
were fat - if anything they looked too spoiled - if there is such a thing.
No-one has a perfectly clean home, no place is 100% perfect 100% of the
time.  Well, except maybe TLE, now she could be different, I think she has
a genie cleaning up after her ferrets or something <G>  Other than that,
the ONLY person whose conditions will be perfect ALL THE TIME is the person
who either owns no pets, or whose only ferrets are stuffed ones.  Face it,
a ferret needs to poop, and unless you're running after each and every
ferret with paper towels, or you have diapers on them, there's no way there
isn't going to be *some* poop in a corner or a litter pan.  Sure, there's
going to be a little mess, a perfectly tidy room is an empty room, which
in itself is cruelty since the ferrets would be bored half to death!  From
what I saw of Jean and the "conditions" at her shelter, I believe that
anyone starting these kinds of rumours about her can be doing it solely to
create trouble for her and ferret shelters as a whole, and definitely NOT
working for the good of ferrets and their owners.
For those ferrets and owners that need our help...
visit Ferrets In Need! at
[Posted in FML issue 2700]