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Mon, 31 May 1999 00:49:34 +700
Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Golly gee whiz and double schucks!  Don't understand why so many people out
there are reticent.  I thought surely I'd get more than just response to
that posting of the maniac Lipinski training ferrets to be working ferrets,
or hunter/flushers, as we call them here in AMERIKIE.
Just one person responded and that was Mic McK, the head honcho of the
Washington State Ferret Association.  You know, he wrote that he (and since
he represents the WSFA, one must assume he speaks for that organization,
yes?) is not in favor of training ferrets to hunt.
Well, OK.  I can go with that alright.  But not very far.  Hey Mic McK, now
give us a reason why you and your org are not in favor of training ferrets
to hunt.  Or for that matter, anybody else care to offer a reason or two.
Hopefully this doesn't come as a surprise to you, but the ferret is by
nature a hunter, isn't s/he?  Yes?  No?
Please be rational now.  No need to get emotional.  If you like, then tell
us why.  If not like, then tell us why too, eh?
iksnipiL drawdE
[Posted in FML issue 2696]