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Sun, 30 May 1999 16:57:47 -0700
Edward Lipinski Ferrets NorthWest FNW <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Today is May 30th, 1999, a day before our Amerikanischer Holiday Memorial
For most of us this is a solem day to celebrate our current freedom,
erroded as it is, and that has been paid for us by millions of gallons of
blood and extreme hardships endured by our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and
coast guard.
As a veteran of the Korean War, US Navy air arm, I today placed outside my
home an American flag.  I'm proud and oh so thankful that I'm an American
and feel blessed that I live in this country.
In keeping with this spirit of freedom, I should like to tell you, those of
you who don't already know, about the ferret named, "Pokey." Pokey is the
official mascot of the Colonial Navy of Massachusetts (our US Navy at the
time of the American Revolution) and that which follows is the official
proclamation tendered by the Colonial Navy of Massachusetts:
Let it be known...that all men here and present bear witness....
Whereas...on third day of our lord...the 14th day of September, in the
year 1996...
Whereas...it has been common knowledge for centuries, that you possess the
unique ability to ferret out and destroy...all manner of mice, rats, and
And whereas, by these deeds, you have infinitely improved the quality of
life aboard ship....
And further whereas, by your kindness, gentleness and devotion to the
shipmates you so dutifully serve....
It is with the utmost gratitude and pleasure...that the Colonial Navy of
Massachusetts, does hereby and forthwith, and by the unanimous proclamation
of both officers and men...hereby proclaim "MUSTELA FURO, the ferret, as
its official mascot.*
This tribute presented by Edward Lipinski, an American military veteran
who chokes at the sight of the Stars and Stripes and cries unashamedly for
Americans who would prevent the free expression of speech in favor of only
their version of "free" speech.
*Noble, Frank (Commodore, Colonial Navy of Massachusetts):  Presented at
Bristol Community College, Bristol, Massachusetts: September 14, 1986.
[Posted in FML issue 2695]