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Sat, 22 May 1999 09:12:43 -0400
"marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
In answer to some of the points in the following posts.
People often see ferrets for the first time in pet stores.  They buy them
there because they didn't know about shelters or breeders.  How not?
Shouldn't anyone do some research by reading a book or magazine before
bring a new animal into their home?  Most books and magazines mention
shelters, breeders and the magazines even list them.  Most pet stores sell
books and magazines.  Also, if giving a little thought to what your doing
it should come to a person that all sorts of dogs and cats are bred by
people and probably ferrets too.  Too many people make impulse buys.  Sure
lots turn out well and maybe the store is knowledeable enough but that's
not really the point is it.
Second - don't be sucked in by the fact that a pet store tells you it only
buys from local breeders.  You don't think your local breeder can be a
small time puppy mill?  You need to see who your buying from or be part of
the process of mistreatment and degradation of companion animals for money.
Selling puppies (or registered breeds of cats) to a pet store is often
grounds for getting kicked out of the Parent Breed Club and even AKC.  Of
course most of these people don't belong - they're selling to pet stores
for income, not the betterment of the breed or animals they sell.
The education process - buying from a responsible breeder, not a pet store
IS the education process!!!!!!  An education process that will go a long
way to bring down numbers of the 20 million animals destroyed every year.
And while its going to be tough to get pet stores to give up selling
animals - that's no reason to cave, give up, accept and participate.
As for living long distances from breeders and and shelters.  I know its
hard and I sympathize but transport can be arranged - check local
newspapers for people rehoming - be patient not part of the problem.
Mary, Booker and the fuzzbutts too
>...if it weren't for pet stores, how many of us would have gotten our
>first ferret?  ... until I saw them at one.  I didn't find out that
>shelters exsisted until I had already owned four fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 2687]