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Fri, 7 May 1999 16:45:41 -0400
text/plain (59 lines)
First of all, could someone from Great Lakes Ferret Association please send
me more information about the Adoption Option at Silverleaf Renaissance
Faire.  A friend just lost one of her two ferrets a few days ago, and may
want to adopt another when we go to the Renn-Faire.  (Also, for any of
Pixie's friends who may be interested, I'm going to see about getting the
four fuzzbutts into Silverleaf at least one day!  Even if I have to smuggle
Like I said, she just lost one of her ferrets to unknown causes.  He was
fine when she left for work, and gone when she got home.  The vet thinks he
may have had a seizure, but doesn't know for sure.  Skeeter, please say Hi
to Kaiser (he's a big silver-mitt with a passion for jelly beans), and let
him know that his Mommy and his sister, Rumari, really miss him.
On to happier matters. . .  The Pet Supplies Plus near us (where we buy
all of our ferret supplies) just started carrying CheWeasels!!!  I bought a
three-pack (just to test them out), and cut two in half so everyone could
have one.  Chitterbox (the chewer, he put holes in half of our socks, four
shirts, and a couple of blankets, not to mention he's now started on the
cloth on the *sides* of the box spring) fell in love at first lick!  He has
found a new passion in life!  (Now maybe we can have our socks last more
than two days.) Coke wasn't interested at first, but then I ran some warm
water over part of one, and he just went ballistic.  He thinks they're the
best thing to happen since raisins!  (Though raisins still hold a special
place in his heart. . .  or mouth!) Pixie has decided on a new career.
She's now the CheWeasel Cowboy.  Her job is to make sure that all
CheWeasels stay rounded up and in the right spot.  She doesn't chew them,
she just collects them.  (Like she collects everything else.  If
something's missing, chances are Pixie stole it!) Cinnamon could care less.
She accepted the offering politely and graciously, as any good Princess
should, then as soon as I turned away, she spit it out and went to find a
nice spot for a nap.
One last thing.  To whoever it was that said it's a good thing ferrets cant
"go between" like fire lizards can: *WISHFUL THINKING* How else do you
explain how they can teleport to *impossible* places!  In fact, my friend
(the one who just lost Kaiser) has many times packed her backpack for
school, kissed her fuzzbutts goodbye, and left for class, only to open her
backpack in class and discover one (or both) of her babies sound asleep in
Dooks and Blessings to all,
Cinnamon (Mommy, I'm a Princess!  I'm too dignified to chew on things!!)
Coke (Raisins or CheWeasels? Raisins or CheWeasels?  Heck I'll just take
'em both!!!)
Pixie (Mommy, I only colleck CheWeasels... and socks... and coins...
and shoes... and tunnels... and--hey, Mommy, yoo usin' dat unnerware?!?!)
Chitterbox (Don't yoo dare try ta colleck my CheWeasel, Pixie!!!)
"You've got to dance like nobody's watching, and love like it's never
 going to hurt."
Check out Pixie's Home Page at:
[Posted in FML issue 2671]