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Mon, 5 Apr 1999 14:44:50 -0400
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Friends of Fuzzies <[log in to unmask]> wrote...
>...I'm noticing that all the ferrets that are traceable and fat happen to
>be triple F Ferrets...
Well, you haven't had access to the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns then, have
you? :)  I've got six of them--three girls and three boys.  While two of
the three girls are standard "snake-with-feet" skinny, the other girl and
the three boys are definitely little oinkers!  However, they are from
different locations, too!  Two of them are Marshall farms (one boy--Ziggy
and the girl--Rusti), another boy (Fuzzer) is a Path Valley Farms fuzzbutt
and finally, Hershey (boy) is a "Streets-of-Philadelphia" ferret! :)  When
I got Hershey a few weeks ago, he was small, but solid...now, he's LARGE
and solid!  He's almost as big as Ziggy and Fuzzer and is larger than all
of the girls, yet he is only a kit, still!
I guess it all depends on how much exercise they get (helps the muscles
grow!), what type and how much food they eat on a daily basis, and what
brand is pigs they are! :)
Todd and the (Who do we bribe for seconds around here?) Fuzzbutt Rodeo
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2638]