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Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:19:45 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
I just had to share this with people who would understand (the people at
work just didn't get it :) )
This morning, Pixie woke up while my husband and I were getting ready for
work.  She wanted to play, but everyone else was asleep.  So, she climbed
out of the hammock and went downstairs where the other three were sleeping
(they sleep in a Midwest cage).  She went over to Cinnamon (the Princess, I
can't believe she put up with this!!) and started licking her ears.  Then
she started chewing on her neck.  Well, before I knew it, Pixie had
Cinnamon by the scruff and was dragging her around the cage!!  (Pixie has
never dragged another ferret before.  She's usually the one getting
"stashed".) Cinnamon ended up wedged in between the ramp and the cage wall.
I think she must have been too tired to care, though, because when Pixie
let go, she just gave her a dirty look, went back to her brothers, and
curled back up to sleep.  Pixie was so upset to lose her "toy" that she
just moped for a minute or two, then went upstairs to go snorkeling in the
water bowl.  *sigh*  Time to get the towel. ;)
By the way, here's another Haiku, compliments of Cinnamon.
I am a ferret.
I love to run, jump, and play.
I wish...Oooh!  What's that?  I wonder if that would fit in my hidey spot.
Nope, maybe under the bed...Hey, look!  A sock!!!  Oof, get offa me.
*bounce, bounce, bounce* Oooh, Pixie, you're gonna get it...
[Posted in FML issue 2633]