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Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:32:22 EST
Robb Fisher <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Rick McCloy asked about experiences with ferrets having outside access.
One summer I spent at a beach house on an island with ferrets that spent
the summer coming & going at their leisure.  A few summers later we shared
a house in the mountains with a standard poodle, a malamute & one (later,
two) cat(s).  Once again, all of the animals were free range (except for
the other species' sleeping areas) in & out of the house.  These ferrets
were very bonded to me & to each other, came to me when I called their
names, and also to a loud squeak toy.  I kept a cage with food & fresh
water in the yard.
Anonymous said: "..all of us that owns our beloved ferrets understand how
to take care of them WITHOUT taking any lessons..or reading a book.."
I disagree.  Just as buying a car does not bestow upon the owner the
ability to drive well, one's ability to care for ferrets is dependent on
far more than mere ownership.  After 20+ years of ownership I am still
learning about ferret care.
To Cam: I am delighted to hear that the critical phase of your emergency
has passed.
All seven ferrets come when called (except for Julianna who is deaf).  When
I call Julianna, either Sophie or Sylvester will run & "get" her for me.
My 5 younger ferrets go in their cages at around 11 pm.  If I have fallen
asleep they will annoy me until I wake up & cage them.
[Posted in FML issue 2633]