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Sun, 28 Mar 1999 08:03:03 -0800
JudithMoon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Since the controversy about adopting ferrets out under certain conditions
is already flowing, I thought my two cents worth could not hurt.  I raise
ferrets.  I interview every prospective owner and mostly go by my "gut"
feelings.  If they have children I watch how they behave.  If they are
uncontrolled it shows a lack of ability on the part of the parents to train
them.  This same lack will carry over into the care of the animals and
their training.  Also if the children are allowed to be rough with the
ferrets, it again shows a lack of training on the part of the parents.
These kinds of people do not get my ferrets.  I know of several people that
take the most wonderful care of their ferrets and have five and in one case
six children from toddlers up.  I would gladly place my ferrets in their
homes.  As for the smoking....ta da....that is a lifestyle choice and I
would never deny homes to my ferrets for that any more than for a person
with some of sort of alternative life style.  That is just too personal and
not my business.
But I will defend Ed on this point....it is HIS shelter and there he does
what he wants too.  Since shelters are not licensed here and there was a
need he stepped in.  At least the ferrets are not being forgotten in a
garage or hit on the roadway.  Until we start to regulate shelters here in
Washington state, we have to make do with what we have.  Thanks Ed for
stepping in and putting you thumb into the hole on the dike.
[Posted in FML issue 2630]