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Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:13:30 -0600
Christine Belsom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Thanks everyone for your kind e-mails regarding my Puffo ferret.  Remmy is
doing great!  He's yellowy cuz we have early summer here -- he's already
shed (it was 80 degrees for a few days in february), but he got to go to
the groomer's with my soon to be roomie Elizabeth today.  He's turning into
a regular lap-ferret cuz we spoil him so much.  Today when he had his bath
he jumped three feet in the air... just because he could.  Then he tried to
crawl into the "doggy dryer".  I was very proud.
Me and Elizabeth found a cool apartment yesterday.  It's in a big house in
uptown (for those of you not familiar with New Orleans, that's by the
Audobon Zoo, Tulane, and Loyola.  Near St. Charles Ave.).  The house was
built in the 1800's and our apartment is in the upstairs back of the house
and it has a big wrap-around balcony!  The great thing is we get all of
this for $275 a month each!!!  And the landlord waived the pet deposit and
he and his family live downstairs, so the place is well kept.  Rembrandt
is going to be free-range in my room, because i've finally got him litter
trained.  There will be a small cage for him to be in if he needs to, but
it's only a one-story.  My Remmy is too spoiled to stay in there for long.
We're gonna have so much fun!!!!  I hope to get a new brother for
Rembrandt, but I'm going to adopt one instead of buying one from the pet
store, so it might take a while.  I want an adult ferret who can get along
with other ferrets.  I finally paid off my vet bill from Janice's surgery,
but I hope I don't need anything from them but checkups from now on!
I ramble on.  Thanks for everything!  I love all my fellow ferret owners.
If any of you are in the New Orleans area, drop me a line.  Maybe if I
associate with you guys I will take better care of my Remmy.
love, christine and Rembrandt
P.S. If you want to sing him to sleep, sing him that song, "Let the girl
go home/ Let her go right home/ She's underage and she's not fit for a
pitcher!"  It sends him right off. :)
[Posted in FML issue 2628]