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Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:58:32 -0600
Christine Belsom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello, ferret folks!
I have some good news, good news and bad news, but I'm glad to be back.
First of all, Puffo crossed to the Rainbow Bridge last week.  The vet did
an autopsy and said that Puffs had a heart attack (?!?).  Is he just
telling me that so I won't feel bad?  He said there wasn't anything that
shouldn't be in his system so he couldn't have gotten into anything, could
he have?  I was very very sad, because just that morning Puffo had gotten
to play with my friend Ryan's kitty and go to the dog groomer's (his
favorite place because Elizabeth, who babysits him there while I go to
work, spoils him rotten).  Rembrandt shows no ill effects except that he
seems a little lonely.  That was the bad news.  Good news is that I have
found a place to live after being homeless for a couple of weeks.  It's
really nice, and I think Remmy will like it there.  Also, I have a new job
and have lots of money.  I want Rembrandt to be happy, and he and Puffo
were good friends.  I'm not sure about a new ferret, though.  Puffo was
not very old at all, and look what happened to him!  I realize Janice had
cancer, and that wasn't my fault, but I've had two ferrets die in two
years!!!  That's a pretty high mortality rate.  What I do know, is that I
am not going to get any more pet-store ferrets.  Puffo and Rembrandt (and
possibly Janice) were pet store ferrets, and they're all great, but I don't
think I really want to support the industry anymore.
Remmy is clean, he has all his shots, he has a nice cage, and he gets out
of it for at least two hours every day.  I feed him Iam's kitten food and
ferretone and I change his water each day.  He is almost a year old.  He's
an alibino, but his coat is a little yellowish.  Does this sound like a
healthy ferret?  He plays and vocalizes and hops around and is naughty, and
he likes milkbones as a treat.  I don't want any more ferrets to die until
eight years from now.  Unless they're older and it's their time.  So if I
am doing something wrong, I want to change it and not get any more ferrets,
but if not, then maybe I should get someone to play with Rembrandt so he
doesn't get lonely.
perplexedly yours,
christine with one remaining babyferret (Rembrandt)
[Posted in FML issue 2626]